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(This doesn't connect to the rest of the story at all past or future it's just a little idea I had)

Monokuma called all of the students to come to him immediately. When they got there the bear seemed mad. No, more than that. The bear seemed to be shaking in absolute rage.

The students huddled together nervously, worried about what could have pissed him off so much. One student knew though. He could tell that during this killing game he had planned everything out. To have an infiltrator within the students he didn't know about was the only reason he could possibly have to be this mad. Unfortunately that infiltrator was Kokichi Ouma, or should we say Izuku Midoriya?

"Kokichi Ouma, come here now." Monokuma growled out.

"Great, what did the rat do this time?" Miu asked in annoyance.

"Kokichi Ouma." Monokuma snarled once again after he didn't come forward.

Kokichi walked towards him hesitantly.

When he got right in front of Monokuma chains lashed out and forced him to his knees, holding him in place.

"What the hell?!" Kaito yelled out.

"Why are you doing this?!" Himiko said, looking close to tears.

"Why don't you ask your dear friend Kokichi?" Monokuma said sweetly before turning and slapping Kokichi across the face. "But that's not your name now is it, Izuku Midoriya?"

"What?!" The rest of the students yelled.

Izuku sighed. "And here I thought I was doing a good job."

"Kokichi, what is he talking about?" Shuichi asked the chained up boy.

"My name is Izuku Midoriya. I was sent here on an underground mission to find information and stop the senseless slaughter of these killing games." He said.

"How do we know that you're not lying?!" Maki yelled.

"Why else would Monokuma have me tied up?" He questioned the girl.

"Now, where is that thing?" Monokuma said, searching Midoriya for whatever he was looking for.

"It's somewhere on the back of my right ear." Izuku informed the bear.

Monokuma found what he was looking for and yanked it off of him.

Izuku's whole being seemed to flicker before he returned to what he originally looked like. His hair once again became a fluffy green cloud. He again had freckles and emerald green eyes that shone with kindness.

Just then the pros and the police bust through the doors.

Monokuma looked down at the boy in fury. "You've ruined it all!" He shouted. "Die you scum!"

Izuku broke out of the chains using his quirk and tried to jump away from the spikes aiming to impale him. He dodged them enough so that he wouldn't die, but he didn't get away scotch-free either. His right cheek had a deep gash and the left side of his abdomen had an even larger one. His left hand and right thigh had also been fully impaled by the sudden thrust of spikes.

"Young Midoriya!" All Might cried out to his successor as he quickly grabbed him and the remaining people inside that building, running outside.

"Problem child are you alright?" Aizawa asked, rushing over to his student once he noticed their injuries.

"I'm alright. I've had worse." Izuku then chuckled a bit and smiled, looking at the two father figures in front of him. "Say, do you think Recovery Girl has missed me?"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2021 ⏰

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