Imperfection is Beauty (One)

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A/N: I told @rasjerriecream that I'd write a Jerrie stripper AU ages ago, so here it is! I couldn't stop writing and instead of putting out a oneshot I've decided to put out a little miniseries consisting of 6-7 chapters. Hope you guys like it! :)


"Hey Perrie," a tall man with messy long hair lumped down into a chair across her desk and leaned his elbow on the report she was reading. The blonde woman looked at him from under her brow, her thick hair almost covering her icy blue eyes.

"Hello yourself, Malik," she said and tried to snatch the paper from under his elbow.

"Still here?" the man asked, drawing circles on her desk.

"So it seems," she sighed and gave up trying to get the report back and pushed his arm away.

"On a Friday night, too?" 

The young police officer sighed and leaned back on her chair, running her hands through her hair, "I've got nothing better to do, do I?" she asked, holding back a yawn. Zayn cocked a brow to her and looked around the almost empty office.

"You could come and have a drink with us if you wanted to. It's Ricardo's birthday, you know."

"Oh I know. That's all I've heard the whole day", Perrie scoffed and crossed her hands under her chest, "apparently you're going to a strip club."

"Oh that," Zayn said and tried to look as if he hadn't known about it, "That's just the guys talking, I don't think we'll make it that far. C'mon, just come along, you work way too hard, you're making us all look bad." Perrie uttered a small laugh and leaned her hands on the desk, looking at the older officer. He was like a mentor to her when she had arrived to the force, taking the young rookie under his wing. She was grateful, but didn't really need any protection. She had graduated on top her of her class and was used to take care of herself since she was just a kid.

"C'mon, you'd get to meet the guys outside work, you need to get some allies here," Zayn pleaded and looked at Perrie with his soft brown eyes. He shuffled himself a bit closer and lowered his voice into a hoarse whisper.

"Besides, I heard there are some nice ladies that would appreciate your company…"

Perrie leaned back in shock. She hadn't expected that anyone would've known about her sexual preferences, she hadn't talked about her personal life with anyone, she never really talked with anyone to begin with except for Zayn. She hadn't ogled at other women at her workplace and she wasn't seeing anyone so no one could have seen her with another woman outside her work. She frowned at Zayn and cocked her head to the side.

"How did you know?" 

The man smiled softly at her and placed his hand over hers on the desk,"It's alright, Perrie, you can trust people. I'm just very perceptive person, let's put it that way."

"Does anyone else know?"

"Wouldn't think so," he said, leaning back with a smug grin on his face, "Actually that was merely a lucky guess, but I think I have a quite good gaydar." Zayn glanced quickly around the office and winked at Perrie, tapping the side of his nose like a conspirator. The woman drew in breath sharply and looked around them to ensure they were alone.

"You mean…" she let her voice trail off and relied that the man would understand what she hadn't said out loud. Zayn nodded just enough for her to notice and got up from the chair, unfolding his jacket that he had draped over his left arm.

"So, you coming? At least then one of us could get something out of it," he grinned while draping the jacket over his shoulders. Perrie frowned as she thought about the offer again. It would be beneficial for her to get to know the other officers better, being a rookie and a woman on top of that didn't really make her the most popular person in the force. Her more than attractive looks didn't help the situation either, most people thought she looked more like a super model than an officer of the law. 

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