Imperfection is Beauty (Two)

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Perrie swallowed as she stared into the stripper's deep brown eyes. She tried hard not to glance at her colleagues over her shoulder, she could feel their eyes on them both.

"Would you like a dance?" Jade asked her, reaching her small hand out to touch Perrie's face. She looked back at the men sitting by the stage, their hungry eyes roaming over her perfect body.

"Your friends can watch, if they want to," she added smilingly, flicking the mass of hair over her shoulder. Perrie could smell her sweet perfume again, it made her nose itch. She slowly raised her hand to grip the woman by the wrist and gently pulled her hand off her face.

"Thanks but no," she said, avoiding the stripper's enticing eyes. Zayn shuffled himself closer to the women and draped his arm across Perrie's shoulders.

"Oh come now, Perrie, let loose for once."

"Oh, so your name's Perrie?" Jade asked, her smile widening into a sweet grin, "Zayn's always talking about you." The blonde woman pushed herself back from the counter and away from Jade, her hand nervously running through her blonde hair.

"I'm sorry I…I need to go." With that, she rushed out of the bar, almost knocking a chair over as she ran out. Jade was left sitting on the counter, staring at Perrie's back as she disappeared through the doors. She twirled a strand of her wavy hair between her fingers and pouted her lips disappointedly. She turned to look at Zayn who was leaning his elbow on the counter, shaking his head lightly as he lit a cigar.

"She seemed nice," the brunette woman said, trying to sound positive. The man beside her chuckled lowly and puffed out a cloud of smoke, offering his cigar to the woman. Jade shook her head and leaned back, gesturing to the bartender who offered her a cigarette and lit it. She inhaled the bitter smoke into her lungs and stifled a cough that rose to her throat. 

The men at the stage were now getting anxious, waving their hands and yelling for her to come back. She waved her hand idly back at them and quickly took a few more puffs from her cigarette before stumping it out and jumped down from the counter. She sighed and patted Zayn on the shoulder before strutting back to the stage, her hands caressing the men's head and necks as she walked past them. When she got to Ricardo, she sat on his lap, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Zayn turned his back at them as Jade did her job for the birthday boy and concentrated back to his whiskey. He swirled the glass in his hand and smoked his cheap cigar, occasionally throwing glances at the door. After about ten minutes he finally believed that Perrie wasn't coming back. With a deep sigh he reached his hand to grab his wallet and placed a sketchy amount of bills on the counter, then walked out of the club into the misty rain.

Perrie was making her way back to her apartment. She wasn't paying any attention to her surroundings, she just believed that the weather would keep most thugs at bay. Her hair was sticking to her face, raindrops were running down her collar. She didn't really notice or care, she was too busy with trying to rid her mind of thoughts about the most perfect woman she had ever seen. She was glad it was raining, the water would probably rinse out the smell of Jade's perfume. Her face felt so hot she was surprised the raindrops weren't sizzling as they hit her face. She took a turn from a corner, burying her head deeper behind the collars of her jacket. Her long strides were splashing water around her feet, soaking her shoes and socks. Suddenly she heard running steps coming up behind her and her muscles tensed, her hands already coming up in a defensive position.

"Perrie, wait!" Hearing Zayn's familiar voice she sighed and turned around to see the officer running towards her. He slowed his pace down when he got closer, his breath heaving slightly as he lounged to her side.

"Jesus you walk fast," he panted, pressing his hand to his chest.

"You should stop smoking," the woman remarked and continued walking.

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