Imperfection is Beauty (Eight)

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Louis and Perrie parked their car when they neared the docks and decided to continue on foot, not wanting to alarm all the possible crooks lurking in the area. Louis stretched his arms above his head and yawned loudly as they walked under the dim streetlights. Perrie kept her hand on her belt near her weapon, ready to draw it out if someone decided to jump on them. 

After turning a corner they could see the lights from a corner bar shining on the street and Perrie noticed a small form shivering near an alleyway. As they came closer, she could see it was a young girl barely in her twenties, shuddering in her skimpy clothing and tottering in her high heels. Her heavy make-up and lack of clothing made Perrie instantly think of Jade and her chest tightened, her hand balling into a tight fist. Louis leaned closer to her to whisper into her ear.

"You think that's one of them? She certainly looks underage."

"Could be yeah," Perrie replied in a low tone, her eyes darting along the streets to see if there was anyone keeping a watch on the girl.

"Should we go and have a chat with her? She looks so sad," Louis pouted his mouth at the sight.

"Alright, but keep your eyes open, she might not be alone."

"I know, I wasn't born yesterday."

They approached the girl slowly, trying their best to look as non-threatening as possible while wearing their police uniforms. The girl's head turned their way as they came closer and for a second it looked like she was going to make a run for it. But then she slightly relaxed and eyed them nervously, holding her arms to her chest.

"Hi there," Perrie said to her in a warm tone, trying to sound as friendly as she could, "do you have a minute?"

"Whaddya want?" the girl snapped, though she sounded more frightened than aggressive.

"It's okay, you're not in trouble. We just wanna have a chat," Louis assured her, smiling softly. Perrie tried to memorize the girl's appearance for later, she had long brown hair and was about the same height as Perrie, her curvy frame was barely covered by her denim shorts and cropped t-shirt.

"What's your name?" she asked the girl whose eyes were darting between Perrie and Louis, trying to figure out which of them posed a bigger threat. 

She stared at Perrie for good few seconds before answering, "Dinah Jane."

"I'm Perrie," the blonde woman said and offered the girl her hand to shake, "and this is Louis. We wanted to ask some questions if you don't mind."

"What's in it for me?" Dinah asked before she tentatively took Perrie's hand. The officers exchanged quick looks and then Perrie turned back to the girl.

"You look like you could use some food. How about we buy you dinner and then we'll talk?" The girl frowned, clearly wanting to say she'd rather take the money but Perrie knew she was hungry and cold and getting to sit inside with a free meal sounded more lucrative than standing on the street waiting to be picked up.

"Okay, but if I don't like what you're asking, I'm not gonna say anything," she insisted, to which Louis and Perrie nodded.

"Fine by us," Louis said, "now, let's go get you something to eat, you look famished." The girl frowned but complied and they started walking back up the street where there was a small diner.

There were only two other people in the diner when they stepped inside. The two men at the counter turned their heads to the door and clearly tensed up as they noticed the uniforms. But as Perrie and Louis merely strolled to the corner table and paid no attention to them, the men stayed put, though they made quick work of their pints and then left. The girl wrung her hands in her lap as a waitress walked to their table, an older woman wearing greasy-stained apron and a half-burned cigarette hanging from her mouth.

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