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A few weeks passed by and nothing interesting happened. She started to believe that what she saw that night was really nothing but a dream.

She managed to make a few friends at her school. She wouldn't call them 'friends' but they got along well.

Nirvana was smart so she was doing well in her class. Soon she managed to make a good image of herself to the teachers.

She would sometimes do voluntary works for the school. One day she was helping out some of her seniors and classmates in putting up posters for a school event. That's when she heard a loud thump from the stairs beside her. She looked over and saw a tall girl sitting on the floor. She had tripped over the stairs and hurt her ankle. She was hurt but had a stern expression on her face. She had short messy hair with a mullet growing on her neck. Her bangs slightly falling over her eyes. She had small pouty lips and pointy purple eyes. Nirvana was staring at this girl, awestruck. She had never seen someone so beautiful. The girl stared back at Nir, she felt her heart skip a beat and she stopped breathing for a moment.

"Hey are you blind? Can't you help me out a little?" The girl said with an annoyed voice.

"s-s-sure! I-I'm sorry let me help you up!" Nir said with a shaky voice, trying to regain her posture. But as she tried to help her up she dropped the glue from her hands and tripped over the bottle and fell ontop of the girl.

"What the-!" She screamed and gasped.

"I-I'm really s-s-orry ! " Nirvana said while trying to get up.

"Oh no you're not!" The girl pulled Nirvana down onto her and grabbed her. Her face was bright red, she got up herself and pulled Nirvana up with her.

"You clumsy ass shit watch where you're going !" Saying this she walked away onto the next floor.

Nirvana stood there with her hand on her mouth, trying to realise what had just happened. She picked her glue bottle up and thought to continue on with her posters. But she wanted to know her name so badly.

Nirvana ran after her. She was never the sporty type, but it looked like she could win a marathon. She had never ran so fast in her life.

She finally found that girl on the 5th floor of their school. She was sitting on a stair alone with a block of ice. She was putting it on her ankle where she hurt herself. Nir ran up to her with a concerned face.

"H-hey! Are you alright ? "

"oh, you again? What , you wanna jump on me again ?"

"I'm sorry it was an accident I didn't mean to. I was just-" Nirvana could feel her face go red.

"Just what? Stop walking around with your head up in the clouds you dipshit"

"Hey that's kind of rude -"

"But it's true, you do walk around with your head in the clouds "

Nirvana stopped at this. She was right. Nir had been distracted when she fell on her. Though everything she said now was rude but blatantly true, her tone wasn't rude at all. She has this calming soft but deep voice. No matter what she said it sounded like she was comforting her somehow. Nirvana found her voice so attractive.

Nir felt her cheeks burn as she kept staring and thinking about her. She was staring back at Nir but totally unbothered.

Nir didn't like beating around the bush. She liked her and she's gonna say it.

"umm... What's your name ? "

"Shouldn't you introduce yourself before asking for someone else's name ? "

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