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"Are you seriously skipping school today?"

With crossed arms and his back leaned against the acoustic walls of the older's room, Jisung's eyes were following Mark's figure as the latter bit on his lip while his phone was pressed against his ear, pacing back and forth around the room which honestly made Jisung dizzy.

After the umpteenth time of getting a phone call from their father hours ago, the man finally managed to tell them to go home and think things properly. He also mentioned that Renjun was labeled under the Jung's property and that there was nothing to worry about since either way, Renjun would come back to their arms safe and sound. Though it didn't calm Mark and Donghyuck down the slightest bit.

And about them being in love? They denied immediately— except for one person, but you didn't hear that from him.

Mark groaned, hearing the familiar automated voice from the device for the nth, "Yes."

The pink-haired rolled his eyes at how uneasy Mark was feeling. He felt the same, especially when Renjun is in the hands of, as what he assumed, their enemy. But unlike Mark, he could keep the uneasiness to himself only, not wanting it to seem like he was the slightest bit interested to Renjun.

It was written all over his actions that he's attracted and protective to the human, but still he denied about feeling things whenever he's around.

He assumed it was just a feeling that will pass by.

"Hyung, you're classmates with that blue-haired guy, right? The one who pushed Renjun to come with them before?" Jisung stated, thanking the gods above that Mark finally stopped walking back and forth.

"I am, but I doubt they'll go to school today after getting him." Jisung knew very well that the older was referring to Renjun, but he was genuinely concerned at Mark's education. "Hyung, you can't just skip school. I know it's Renjun and I know every single one of us is worried about him but—"

"Exactly, Jisung." Mark cut the younger off and stared at his eyes, "It's Renjun we're talking about. You might deny it, but deep inside you're worried as hell especially when you know he's not in good hands."

The pink-haired male watched the older walk away to the door, but even before Mark could fully get out of the room, he stopped midway and let out a small sigh.

"Tell the others I'm not going to school, and don't ever look for me until I get back."

That was all Mark said before leaving the room with a baffled Jisung left inside.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟

Heaving a deep sigh, Mark unconsciously bit his bottom lip and rang the doorbell. He didn't know if they still lived here but it's worth the try. Heck, he didn't know it was this nerve-wracking to ring a doorbell of another person's house— since he didn't know how to use one.

Seconds passed and it made Mark anxious as to why no one's answering, were they even going to school? The male didn't know.

Just as Mark leaned in, about to ring the doorbell once again, the door opened revealing the male he expected the most; greeting him with a wide smile plastered on his face.

"Mark hyung!" The significant eyesmile made its way on his face, greeting the older male with a hug. "I didn't know you came to visit– oh wait, I didn't even know you remembered this place!"

Mark just giggled at the younger vampire's remark, "I was concerned if I visited it wrong,"

Shotaro chuckled before ushering the male to come in, making sure to make him comfortable as if this was on his own house. "Didn't know Uncle Jae already lifted the rule of staying at your home at all costs."

Mark's smile fell slowly, hands making its way to the back of his neck to rub it slowly, "Actually, I came here to ask help since Donghyuck... He doesn't really help that much."

The eyesmile on Shotaro's face fell, his left arm unconsciously draping on his stomach as he stared at Mark's orbs that slowly yet surely morphed into a dull hue of red, signalling that he was serious and worried at the same time.

Mark ain't Mark if his eyes weren't consistently morphing into shades of red depending on his mood, as what would the japanese think.

"Is..." Shotaro started, lookung at the older male with hesitation written on his face whether to mention it or not.

After seeing the curious look written on Mark's face, Shotaro let out a sigh and thought of a small apology, "Is this about Renjun?"

As if Shotaro can read his mind, Mark's eyes morphed back into his regular ones, a baffled yet surprised expresson written on his face that made the japanese giggle cutely at his expressions.

"How- How did you know?" Mark stammered, but his question was more on how did he know his name when he remembered mentioning him once.

"Can't see the future for nothing," Shotaro says and stood up, walking towards the big shelf of books that Mark didn't know existed, which was just chilling centimeters away from the door he just came from.

"Sungchannie usually paints every vision I see, even though he's not that good of a painter," Shotaro chuckled, pulling out a sketchbook from one of the shelves before walking back to where Mark was.

Turning the pages carefully, Shotaro stopped just before another page would flip, showing a strange picturesque of someone hugging someone whilst an arrow was pierced through their back.

This was definitely far from what Mark assumed Shotaro would see.

And it was no where near Renjun's situation right now.

"Shotaro..." Mark started, slowly averting his gaze to the said male as he clutched on the paper, "When did you see this?"

Shotaro was taken aback, blinking at the sudden question. "When I visited you days ago, don't you remember?"

Though the faces weren't vividly painted, which somewhat caused confusion in Mark, he was determined to keep Renjun safe from any harm – especially if he could feel that one of the guys painted was the human.

"Your visions never go wrong... right?"

"That, I don't know," The japanese sighed, seeing Mark's eyes morph into the same color a while ago, "But as of now, not one of my visions went wrong."

If that's the case, then those guys weren't the only ones after Renjun.

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