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"Hey, what happened to you?" Donghyuck asked as Renjun clung onto him, tiredness taking over his body.

That caught the attention of the other five inside the limo - immediately turning their attention to both Renjun and Donghyuck. The human didn't say anything and just let sleep take over his body.

"Did something happen?" Mark asked and raised a brow.

"He's just tired, I guess..." Donghyuck replied, using his free hand to rub the back of his neck as Renjun was clinging onto his other arm.

Jaemin stifled a laugh. "Humans are weak, aren't they?"

"Shut up, hyung. We get stronger because of them." Jisung deadpanned and rolled his eyes, opening the mini fridge and took a packet of blood before passing it to Donghyuck. "Your eyes are red."

The tanned male rolled his eyes, "You could have hit Renjun if it wasn't for me stopping it." He said before opening the packet and drinking the content inside.

Jisung sighed, secretly eyeing the human that's clinging onto the tanned male as if his life depends on it. If he's gonna be honest, he badly wanted to taste his blood first but he would always remember what his dad would say.

Let him adjust first before doing something to him.

"We're here, young masters." The chauffeur announced as the door of the limo opened from the outside - probably one of the workers opened the car door for them.

Donghyuck carried Renjun's body out as the others followed, immediately making their way to the mansion.

"Hyuck, take Renjun to his room. Jeno, Jaemin, come with me." Mark ordered as soon as they stepped inside their home. Chenle sprinted up the stairs and is probably gonna go to his room, Jisung made his way to the kitchen probably, Mark, Jaemin, and Jeno headed to no one know where, and Donghyuck carefully made his way to Renjun's room.

The vampire placed Renjun on his bed carefully, covering his petite body with the large comforter and is about to walk away when a hand stopped him to.

Donghyuck froze in his spot.

"Hyuck, please stay."

Donghyuck gulped, a sudden feeling of thirst tool over his body and wanted to drink a lot of blood. But Renjun's hand is stopping him. The tanned male turned to look at Renjun slowly, composing himself as he did so.


"Can you please stay?" The human sleepily pleaded, his eyes half open.

Donghyuck gulped for the second time, "I- I can't, Jun. I-I can take a-advantage of you.."

At that point, Renjun doesn't care. He just wants someone to cuddle with. "I don't care. Please, Hyuck?"

The vampire bit his lip, trying to ignore the scent of Renjun that's lingering around the room and took a seat at the chair beside the bed. This action made the human frown.

"What are you doing there?"

"U-Uh, staying with you?" The tanned male replied in a hesitating tone.

Renjun let out a soft chuckle before moving and patted the space beside him. "In here, please."

Donghyuck's eyes widened, "No. I-I'm not gonna l-lie down b-beside you... At least n-not in my state."

Renjun pouted unconsciously, sleepiness taking over his body but he won't sleep unless Donghyuck lies beside him. "Please?" The human pleaded.

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