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The last few months at sea had taken their toll on Lyla. Her return to Nassau was a relief but also an annoyance. It was a pirate kingdom but women captains weren't taken seriously. Captain Charles Vane, the Pirate King, wouldn't take her seriously either. The only woman he'd listen to was Eleanor Guthrie. He'd constantly jump aboard Lyla's ship searching for stolen supplies that she would have easily taken with her emerald green eyes staring into the soul of a merchant. This annoyed Lyla more than the other things he'd do. She had walked into Eleanor's office once or twice with Eleanor bent over the desk and Vane screwing her brains out. She felt a twinge of jealousy every time but there was nothing she could do except wait outside and say nothing. Of course, the thought of being in Eleanor's place excited her internally but something was wrong with her excitement; when it was unnecessary, it was there and when she was in bed at the whorehouse, nothing would happen. She was curious about it but she never dwelled on it too much.

The sea breeze made her shiver, snapping her out of her thoughts concerning Vane. With her crew scuttling around her preparing to drop the anchor and port into Nassau, she headed back to her cabin. She hadn't seen Vane from the grand distance of her ship and where he stood somehow blending into the crowd.

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