When you traumatize your students too much...

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(Ok that was suggested by NarutoFenton.

 Well for the most part I will only get to choose one suggestion per person so if you suggest 2 things then I will pick one so I hope you can understand.

 I may change the things you suggested but I will give the credit to the original person who suggested the idea, so yeeah.)

"Ok, I am starting to like the title." Iza spoke thinking of all the things on what the multiverse has planned.

The Teacher felt guilt for 1-A since they are targeted the most out of all classes in U.A. and not protecting them from anything is the biggest disrespect they can think.

Aizawa was in Dad mode and was worried for his students.

 I mean they got attacked by the League, they got attacked by the League, some got attacked by Stain, attacked by the league, attacked by the... you get the Idea.

Nezu was already considering the fact to let the students of 1-A get a one month break from school and a therapy check but seeing a multiverse dedicating to the fact they need a mental health yeah that was gonna happen.

The student meanwhile were skeptical to say the least. They had deal with thing happening, it's like a daily routine for them.

"Can you gives us the multiverse's description?" Nezu asked.

A piece of paper teleported on Iza hand as the following reads:

" There was a school drill that was so real that it made the students traumatized for life even some thinking it will be the death of them.

The school was making the drill to serious for the students to handle which made some traumatized from the experience.

This will be the aftermath of what happened in the drill."

The teachers were disappointed to say the least about themselves and the school this alternate multiverse.

 Making the student feel like thing like this at a very young age is not a good way to teach them.

"Class 1-A, we are very sorry for making you feel trauma in your age right now. Although it just another multiverse, we still want to apologize for all the event that happened to you with problems we have to solve." Nezu and the teachers bowed there head to the students.

The students were confused of this and franticly told them to calm down. "You know it's not your fault the League attacked us, it there fault not yours." Midoriya explained.

"Thank you my boy but some events that happened to you have our blame for it so after this, we will have a therapy session for all of you with a 1 month break, right Nezu." Almight said.

'My boy' Todorki thought. He grabbed his "Theory Book" and wrote that detail in the "Secret Love Child" section and took note while Midoriya sweat dropped.

"Exactly no buts" Nezu said.

"Thank you!" The class thank them.


It starts with Midoriya walking thought some doors. He wore a black jacket and black pants with a red and black stripe T-shirt underneath. It then cuts to Aizawa with pro's surrounding him asking questions.

"Well Shit." Mina said.

"LANGUAGE!" Iida yelled.

"Oops my bad *Ahem* bueno mierda." Mina replied with a smug look on her face. Iida was confused because he does not know if it was French or Spanish.

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