Temptation - Chapter 7

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Dad was pacing in the sitting room as we came in. Jason had his leg tended to and everyone was waiting for us.

“Hello, Lacey.” Mum said nervously. 

“Hi, Cassy,” Lacey smiled at her as usual. 

“Lace, Hon, I know tonight has been a lot to take in and I know you’re exhausted, but do you think you can do something for me?”

“Sure,” Lacey said, just as I said, “Dad she already gave us her word. She won’t say anything.”

“Yes, Luke. I know she won’t." My Dad sighed, sitting down. "But for the sake of the pack she needs to swear her silence formally."

"I'd also like them to swear protection to her as one of our pack." I commented as I sat Lacey gently next to my Mum.

My dad nodded, "She's always been protected unofficially but it will come in handy for it to be official. That way we can keep her safe from this vampire that's had Luke so riled up."

I didn't look at Lacey as she glanced curiously towards me. 

"There's our girl!" Winter's voice suddenly came as she and Char came rushing in, Winter diving on Lacey. 

"Are you alright?" Char asked her softly, squeezing in between my Mum and Lacey.

"I'm fine." Lacey smiled reassuringly. "It's just a lot to take in."

"We're sorry we didn't tell you." Winter added, throwing her arms around Lacey's neck for a hug. Char took the opputunity to leap on Winter and all three girls hugged eachother tight. 

"It's fine," Lacey muffled with a laugh, causing me to smile too. It seemed like nothing had changed. They were still the best of friends and the smile in Lacey's eyes encouraged my thoughts as she sat with them, hugging and making sarcastic comments. 

Just like old times. 

"Listen, Winter and I have to head off," Char murmured a few minutes later. "The house is a complete wreck so we need to tidy it for tomorrow's party."

"Another party?" My Mum smiled, raising her eyebrows. 

"Of course!" Winter exclamined. 

"And what's this party for?"

"Well... It's Lacey's party, of course! Now that she knows what we are, what better way to welcome her into the pack?" Winter grinned, her mind calculating. 

"So I take it the whole pack's invited?" My Dad piped up, not wanting to interupt girl talk, just observe Lacey to see if she was ready to make a run for it.

"Only if they're in school." Char and Winter said in union. 

"Will you go?" Lacey peered up at me. 

"If I really must." I replied, really thinking that I'd be there. Just to be around Lacey. 

"Who's next?" Our pack doctor, Dr. Erin Hanser asked, coming into the room. Instead of waiting for an answer, she came over to Lacey. 

"See you later, smelly human!" Winter nudged into Lacey and laughed when Lacey became outraged. 

"I am not smelly!" She fumed, but looked at everyone. "Am I?"

"You just smell of vampire." Char replied, walking to the door. "Now that we know what one smell's like and all."

"Great." Lacey muttered, "I smell like the dead."

"Got it in one," Winter grinned from ear to ear before heading to the front door and out of sight. 

Now that they were gone, it appeared quieter. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2011 ⏰

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