Temptation Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I sighed heavily. Why couldn't she see I was trying to protect her? I hated arguing with Lacey. She was my best friend. We'd been friends since we were little. At first, my parents were concerned that I'd hurt her. But how could I have? From the moment I met her I felt I could be myself around her. I could tell her anything... well almost anything.

The day I met her, I was out hunting with my dad and uncle. My dad and uncle were proud of me as I managed to catch my first rabbit like a real hunter. I'd just changed back as my dad and uncle took off after a deer and was on my way to play near the lake for a while when I caught a scent. It was the sweetest smell. Peaches, forest, summer breeze, and winter snow. So... alluring. I couldn't help myself from following it. The irresistible scent took me right to the lake.

And then I saw her. She was playing with Winter and Chardonnay by the waters edge. Winter and Chardonnay's father was my dad's second so we'd been close since birth.

I remembered Winter and Chardonnay saying something about meeting a young friend - which was weird because we stuck together as a pack and kept ourselves to ourselves - and that she was called Lacey. Dad told them not to interfere with the human and was told to stay away from her. As usual, they did the complete opposite of what they were told. And now I could see why.

Her golden blonde hair blew towards me in the wind, but her ice blue eyes were full of sadness. She was one of the most prettiest girls I'd ever seen. And I loved her cute buttoned nose. She laughed at something Char said and butterflies danced in my belly. She looked around five, maybe six years old. The same age as me almost.

That night when Char and Winter came in, I interrogated them about everything they knew about her. Unfortunately, her mum died giving birth to her so it was just her, her two brothers, her father and his new wife and her daughter. Char told me that Lacey hated Cameron, her new mum, because she wasn't the kind of mum her brothers said hers was like. Cameron was cold and hated children - except her precious princess Zoe- and Lacey and her never got on.

I wanted to pinch her. Take her away and make her part of my dads pack where all mums were nice and caring. I wanted to make her life better and I had no idea where this feeling came from. I was six years old and was more interested in my football. My best friends, Taylor and Jason, said that girls were the enemy until we were teenagers... or so their dad's said. We only liked Winter and Char because they were cool unlike the other who played with they stupid Barbie dolls, they played football with us.

They promised they'd introduce me to Lacey and when I did, she was everything and more. My dad saw that I was different and told me to stay away from her in case I hurt her by accidentally touching her (I was stronger than most six year olds) or she found out my secret. I moped for a few weeks and then dad eventually said I was allowed to talk to Lacey so long as I never touched her unless it was necessary.

When Lacey met my parents, they instantly fell in love with her. She cheered me on as I played football and we always joked and messed around. Almost every day Lacey was at our house. And I loved it. I knew she liked it too because she had a sparkle in her eyes that was spellbinding.

I pulled myself from my memory and lay back on my bed. I missed Lacey. She wouldn't answer her phone, nor reply to my texts. I pulled out a picture of Lacey that I kept under my pillow. Nobody knew about this picture of her, not even her. I saw her beautiful face smiling at me with her now long curly brown hair, sparkling ice blue eyes, her delicate cheekbones shaped perfectly, my favourite button nose that hadn't lost its cuteness, and her soft mouth. I caught this picture of her just as she looked up and her eyes showed her surprise of the camera. She was wearing her yellow vest top and a pair of sweatpants.

She was wrong about her thinking that I thought of her as a little sister. Because I saw her as much, much more. I knew every little secret she had and I knew all of her dreams. She dazzled me every day and when she smiled I couldn't help but smile back.

But I never realised how much she changed till today. She was no longer five years old. She was almost seventeen and it was getting hard to ignore boys when I saw them looking at her with lust in their eyes. I never looked at her body but I now noticed that it was perfect. I had no idea when her legs had become long and shapely, had never noticed her beautiful flat stomach, and had no idea where her breasts came from. Though, I had to admit I did sneak a glance once or twice when she wore low cut tops.

"Luke, are you okay?" My mum's voice came though the speaker. "Lacey was pretty upset. Do you want to talk about it?"

I got up off the bed and walked over to my speaker. "I'm fine, mum. I'll just give Lace a day or two to calm down. Please, don't interfere mum." I said though the speaker.

"Well make sure you do." Mum ordered.

"Yes, ma'am." I joked, but I couldn't smile. How could I?

I lay back down on my bed and closed my eyes, seeing Lacey as always. Yes, I should be thinking of Amber. But I couldn't. My wolf wouldn't allow it. And neither could I.

I knew deep down that Lacey was meant to be with me. My dad and I talked about this and he explained that my wolf feels as though he's met his mate. The one person who was destined to be with me forever. The only problem was, she was human. And my mate was suppose to be another werewolf. Lacey was a hundred percent human.

Oh, Luke, you idiot! I thought to myself as I turned on my side. Lacey told me she loved me and all I did was stand there. Why the hell didn't I stop her and tell her that... that I was in love with her too.

But how could she ever love me if she knew that I sprouted fur and a tail and had claws that could do some serious damage. What if, one day, I accidentally hurt her just by touching her. How could I have a relationship with her and never touch her soft skin. Holding her soft hand today made my hand tingle. It was so soft and warm and it made me want to touch her more.

I felt myself getting mad. And sometimes when I was mad, I changed. Lacey always stopped that from happening because my anger was always washed over by fear. Fear of her seeing me like a monster.

I'd still go to her house tonight and protect her from any danger. Especially if Karn was to make a surprise stop-by so he could suck on her blood. She was mine and if anyone was to claim her, it was me.

I knew what I had to do now. First, I'd have to break up with Amber to show Lacey that I wanted to be with her. I'd have to get back on her good side and take it from there. I'd have to build the courage up to tell her my secret. And then we could be together... if she didn't mind the fact that I was a werewolf.

On the other hand, telling her I was werewolf could push her even further away from me.

I never felt this low since dad said I couldn't see her, and now she didn't want to see me.

And it was all because of Karn.

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