Everything comes to an end

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This chapter will contain spoilers for the finale so you have been warned.






Well I never thought ducktales would end this fast..it honestly feels like only yesterday I watched the very first episode of the very first season. Time really does fly...anyways enough of that let's discuss the finale.

Now before I start I would just like to say how impressive it was for them to fit in everything the show has been leading up to. Granted, it did feel a little rushed and we could've gotten a season 4 better explaining things but for a show that got cancelled I'm impressed.

I'm not going to observe the whole episode, just some interesting plot points.

Starting off with May and June. I remember back in 2019 I asked Frank if he was ever going to introduce April May and June on tumblr! (He never answered..I can see why)

The concept of Webby being made from FOWL was something I did NOT see coming at all and May and June being clones of Webby? Even more of a shocker. Overall it was an excellent way of introducing the characters, and their purposes. They could've further explained their characters if we had a season 4 but this was good enough.

Now moving on to Webby's past.

So basically what we've been wanting to know about Webby's parents for almost 40 years (ever since her appearance in DT 1987) took a complete turn..she ended up being Scrooge's daughter. Now I thought maybe just maybe she could've been a distant relative or something but DAUGHTER? wow..this whole episode had me at the edge of my seat. Not to mention we also got a peek of what Beakly's husband looked like! As well as what she looked like when she was in her prime.

Now on to Donald and Daisy

I think it's really nice that they got to squeeze in some Donald and Daisy moments. Especially what Daisy's relationship is to Della. Short answer- they're like sisters. They get along great. And I think its sweet that Della doesn't want donald to go on a vacation leaving her behind. Plus at the end Donald and Daisy practically adopted May and June. Which makes so much sense because in the original ducktales, April May and June were Daisy's niece.

I'd also like to point out how every character had their moments, yes this was basically an episode further explaining who Webby is and taking down FOWL but they fit in every character in so perfectly it brought tears to my eyes..

Huey—When he was Bradford, talking about Finch
Dewey—leading a group and piloting the plane
Louie—Also leading a group and confronted Bradford about the papyrus
Webby—Literally this whole episode was about her
Beakly—Finally discussing her past and why she retired
Della & Donald—fighting along side Scrooge and just having their own sibling rivalry
Lena & Violet—shown comforting Webby, fighting against FOWL agents, helping the brothers and accepting May and June
Scrooge—Revealing his relationship with Webby, fighting Bradford and sacrificing himself (not to mention actually paying for Webby's birthday party)
Gosalyn and BOYD—shown fighting FOWL agents, helping the brothers in the plane, and freeing the prisoners
Gizmoduck and DW—Fighting FOWL agents, helping Scrooge raid FOWL
Launchpad—Having his own fighting scene where he takes down almost all of the agents, told that he has a heart of a hero and transforms into Gizmoduck, almost kills everyone in the end.
Gyro, Manny, and Lil bulb—Gyro helped release the prisoners and Scrooge in his raid, Manny had his own moment where he turned into his true form and Lil bulb was basically BOYD for half of the ep
The FOWL villians—They all had their fights against the McDucks
The walmart villians—They helped Scrooge in the sense that they took Bradford down in the final scene
The prisoners (Goldie, Storkules, Celene etc..)—They all encouraged Launchpad to fight with all he's got
The Genie—Was used under FOWL's command and eventually escaped

And finally I love how in the end they brought back the line that started this adventure: 'Family is the greatest adventure of all!'
Honestly, I absolutely love how much their family has grown. This show was so good and it was completely overshadowed by other shows like Amphibia or the owl house (no shame in that they're both great shows) and it breaks my heart that it isnt as popular than it deserves to be...it had potential but Disney ruined it.

That's all I'd like to talk about and I will be ending this book since its basically dedicated to season 3.

Overall I loved the finale and I love ducktales, it's a shame that it's coming to an end but hey it was still a fun journey. I'm glad I was apart of it..next off..we get Darkwing Duck on disney Plus!

Guess this is it..one last time
Work smarter not Harder

Here are the credits if you'd like to see for yourself btw (I literally sobbed when I watched it):

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2021 ⏰

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