The Lost Harp of Mervana! (Review)

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I loved every single part of this episode!
From the extended theme song
To Beakly hiding something huge from Webby
Let's get onto it
Before we start, expect sone major spoilers!
If you haven't watched the episode, check out Ducktales Channel on YouTube!
With that said let's begin

So the episode starts off by the family wanting to find The Lost Harp of Mervana and while Scrooge and Huey are babbling about it Louie already thinks that they're plotting something which Webby is against, we soon learn that Della hates anything related to fish...moving on
The Family soon discovers there are mermaids and are willing to follow them to find The Harp but they must be truthful to get it
So they end up in Mervana, (which, can I say, webby has already made a refernce to the little Mermaid!)but one cave in particular concerns Louie and goes in to investigate, with Webby by his side to proof that nothing fishy Is going on
Get it...? Fishy
...Anyways, time skip to Louie and Webby getting chased by a fish-monster and being saved by Beakly who also thinks something fishy- I mean something odd is going on but keep it hidden from Webby so she wouldn't be devastated Louie humbly disagrees but its too late since they already found the harp and she soon tells them the truth about Mervana and the King
Beakly trying so hard to hide the truth from Webby babbles it out to the harp and Webby hearing it all gets shattered...
Meanwhile with the family trying to be truthful pisses off Scrooge but goes with it since he wants the harp but later refuses saying he cant just ignore the hard work in life and becomes truthful aka he's worthy of knowing their secrets
They ask where the harp is and-
They don't know
They claim that when their king arrives he'll show+tell them his secrets
Back with Louie, Webby and Beakly they learn that the fish-monster that chased Louie and Webby was actually the king, he transformed into a monster cause he was underwater for too long and wanted to run away from his problems
Knowing that they have to warn the rest of the family about the king
Then it happens-
One of my Favorite parts of the whole episode
Louie calls Webby "Webbs"!!!
I love that part so freaking much!
I honestly didn't think we'd see him call her that this season but I stand corrected!
Moving on...The king turns back to normal and realises that he doesn't have to face the truth alone
And just before the credits roll Beakly tells webby that there will be no more secrets
Until the harp says shes: fibbing,  fibbing, fibbing!
Which means we might see something big in later episodes, perhaps Webby's parents

That's all for today, hope you guys loved this episode as much as I did
Can't wait for the nect one: Louie's Eleven!
Work Smarter, not Harder!💚💗

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