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So this chapter may be a bit short since I don't have much details but..
I'll work with what I have

In s1 Louie called webby 'webs' in 2 episodes (ep 8 and ep 20) I really want to see more of this nickname because I think it's very cute but its a 15% chance we won't since he hasn't even mentioned it once in s2

"Hubert, Dewford, Llewellyn and Webbigail"
These are their real names, and though they prefer going by Huey Dewey Louie and Webby I think that they should kinda mention these names a bit more too. They didn't really say it that much in s1 but they boosted it up in s2

Though they've referenced a lot of their names from the original I'm pretty sure that's not all of it so I hope we get to see more referenced nicknames in s3

"New names"
Lastly they should make their own nicknames for s3 (das it lol)

So I hope you enjoyed this chapter see you next time
Don't forget! Work Smarter, not Harder 💝

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