Chapter 4

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Time passes by like chugging a butterbeer on a Friday night. The carriages arrive at the school, Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Y/N was starring in awe of the school until a teacher appeared to lead them inside the school. "Afternoon, students. I'm Professor McGonagall and I'll be leading you to the Great Hall to get you sorted in your house and after, we will have a grand feast. Now, Come along! We don't wanna be late." McGonagall then led the students into the school. 

Luna walked with his brother while Y/N was amazed by the scenery of the halls. He was simply struck by amazement and dint speak a word by how impressed he was and daydreaming of all his possibilities until they came to a stop outside the opening of the Great Hall. "Alright, new students will be sorted into their houses while the rest of you who are not will proceed to their house tables." Y/N looked over at his sister. "Guess ill see later?" Y/N questioned. "If any lucky, maybe sooner if you get sorted into Ravenclaw!" Luna spoke patting Y/N shoulder and walked off towards the Ravenclaw table. Thoughts ran in Y/N's head. What house would he be in? 

Y/N and the group of students walked behind McGonagall into the Great Hall up to the front where it held a stool and a big, brown hat. Walking down the aisle, Y/N was looking up at the candles floating above until he came to a stop when they met the front of the hall. "Attention everyone!" McGonagall spoke up to catch all of the student's attention. "We will now be sorting these new students into their assigned houses. They'll either be assigned in Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin." Each house clapped and cheered when their houses were mentioned one by one. The sorting ceremony has officially begun. 

Minutes passed by, Y/N starting to get bored but nervous at the same time. His thoughts ended when he heard his name. "Y/N Lovegood," McGonagall announced from her scroll making eye contact with you, already knowing who you were. Y/N walked to the stool with confidence hearing whispers from some tables. "Wait, Luna has a brother?" a Gryffindor whispered. "Yeah, they are new. Heard they are a 6th year." a Slytherin answered the Gryffindor from their table. Y/N ignored the whispers but secretly adored the attention. He sat on the stool and McGonagall put the hat on Y/N's head. 

The hat started to talk. "Oh, another Lovegood? such a bright, intelligent family. Although, I sense some courage, like a Gryffindor." That comment made the Golden trio more curious, although it didn't seem they wanted Y/N in Gryffindor due to what happened in the carriage. "But, hard-working as a Slytherin." The hat continued, making the Slytherins cheer quietly. "Then again, a friend when needed at hard times just like a Hufflepuff." The Hufflepuff at the house smiled and whispered to each other, hoping they could have more Hufflepuffs. "Wait!" The sorting hat yelled out making everyone silent. "I see intelligence and a hard learner, just like your mother who was in..." The sorting all of a sudden stopped talking. silence filled the room until it spoke up again. "I know exactly where to put you...Ravenclaw!" The sorting hat yelled out, making every student cheer, especially the house of Ravenclaw. The hat was raised from Y/N's head and he walked over to the Ravenclaw table sitting by Luna. 

"I'm so glad you're in Ravenclaw, Y/N. Seems the sorting hat was having trouble picking what house they wanted you in for the last five minutes." Luna giggled. Y/N's expression changed from happy to embarrassed. "You're kidding? Was it really five minutes? Oh, Merlin, that's awkward." Luna nudged his arm. "Don't give it too much thought. If it makes you feel better, McGonagall's took ten minutes when she first arrived." Y/N mouthed "Wow" in response. All of a sudden, a ringing from a cup from the front of the hall caught Y/N's attention as well as every other student, it was the headmaster of the school, Professor Dumbledore. 

"Afternoon, students. Welcome back to another great year of Hogwarts. To the new students this year, we are happy to have you and hope this school fills your needs. Tomorrow morning. I have a very special announcement so I hope all of you turn up. Until then, let the feast begin." Dumbledore finished his speech and food all of a sudden food appeared on each of the tables. A mix of amazing foods that looked incredibly delicious. All of the students grabbed a plate and handfuls of food. Y/N and Luna got their food together and started eating while talking about the things they wanna achieve this year and what they look forward to. Luna wanted to start a club and be the commentary for Quidditch until she asks you something. "Hey, you should audition for Ravenclaw Quidditch! You were amazing at Ilvermory, why not play here? Ravenclaw needs a good teammate and you fit the role perfectly." Luna had a point. Y/N was amazing at Quidditch. He was the Seeker for his team back in Ilvermory. Well, until he got kicked off the team for the incident. 

"Yeah, I'll think about it," Y/N whispered in the response returning to eating. 

~𝓗𝓲𝓼 𝔂𝓮𝓵𝓵𝓸𝔀~ A Cedric Diggory X Male Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now