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Iroh was dead.

When Zuko ran to his uncles side, he met Iroh's open eyes full of nothing but death.

"Uncle!" Zuko yelled, knowing there was no use trying. He fell over Iroh's body, tears fell from his golden eyes.

"I'm so sorry Firelord Zuko," a messenger stepped into the doorway. Zuko glared at him.

"Sorry won't bring him back!" The angry and confused Zuko shouted, his hands were sparking with fire fueled by rage...just like they used to.

The messenger shrank back. He remembered Zuko's temper from years ago, and didn't want to experience it again any time soon.

"...I think I should read this message to you. For the sake of the document." The man looked to the fire sparking in the unstable rulers fists.


The messenger cleared his throat, then began to read. "Firelord Zuko, we at the Fire Nation Asylum, regret to inform you, your sister Azula, has passed away." The man paused, trying to collect himself. "She...she killed herself." He finished.

Zuko didn't speak. He stood still, eyes flashing from his uncle, and the scroll in the messengers hands.


Zuko's thoughts raced around his mind like wild-fire, his eyes burned bright, and his sanity...his sanity burned out.

"I-" one word was all he got to say, because in stepped five people, four were men, dressed in black and gold robes, their purpose was to take dead bodies to be either cremated, or buried.

The fifth, a female messenger.

Zuko stepped aside from his uncles bed, and watched, heart broken as he was lifted out of the room.

"...Should I read this for you?" The small female messenger asked, noticing the sparks from her rulers fists.

"Just. Read. It."

"Firelord Zuko,
from the Earth Kingdom Capitol, we must solemnly inform you that we have found- no... " The girl's voice went low.

"Finish it!" Zuko, and the first messenger growled impatiently.

"I can't"

In rushed Tianshi, tears falling from her eyes.

"T-They found Leah! She's dead!" Tianshi cried She stumbled and was caught by the grief stricken Firelord's now scorching hot hands. The poor princess screamed and thrashed in his hands, he refused to release her. Her sides began burning and the smell of her own burning flesh, was sickening.

"Get out...." He's tone was dark. The two messengers both took off through the open door, slamming it closed.

"Let me go!" Tianshi's agonized scream was bone chilling.

Zuko dropped her to the ground. "Did you save Embrian?!" He demanded, yelling at the girl on the floor. She flinched back, shaking from the pain in her sides.

"Answer me!"

"Gh-stop!" She begged. Tianshi stumbled to her feet. She opened the door, and started running.

Zuko trailed her, punching his fists after her. Blasts of blue fire blocked her path.

Zuko fell to the floor.

Tianshi steadied herself.

"You two need to get out of here!" A familiar voice came from down the hall.

"Katara?" Zuko asked. He slowly lifted his head, but soon he felt a sharp pain in his neck, and soon went limp on the floor, as four shadows bounded by.

If you read this before, you probably remember how freakin' violent it was. I didn't like it. All of it seemed so out of character for Zuko. I the part wher he burned Tianshi for a different story.

His Golden Eyes: InsanityWhere stories live. Discover now