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The girl blinked her eyes at the fire lord . "Pardon, us, Fire-Lord Zuko.. We shouldn't have let ourselves in." Her voice was like chimes, and she spoke gently. Zuko looked the girl up and down. She looked almost identical to Leah. Tall, dark skin, black hair, and vibrant green eyes. She had a mischievous look on her face, which contradicted her soft way of speaking. Her dress was red, with a long slit that started mid-thigh.

The baffled Fire- Lord allowed himself to come back to reality. This girl bore a striking resemblance to Leah, although, couldn't help but notice that she resembled Jun, a rebellious girl who'd helped him out a couple times.

"My apologies. I'm Zuko...but I guess you already knew that." He resisted the impulse to slap his forehead, as he corrected himself for the millionth time.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Zuko." The tall young woman blushed, smiling timidly. The smile quickly faded when she exclaimed, "Where are my manners?! My name is Tianshi!" She bowed forward. Long black hair curtained her face. When she said that, the boy slapped himself on the forehead. How could he possibly forget to ask her name?!!

"I was about to make tea for my uncle, would you like some?" He asked trying to regain composure, and match the girls level of politeness.

"No, thank you.I'll help you make it if you'd like." Zuko accepted her help.
After they made tea, the two went upstairs and spoke with Iroh. He took fondly to Tianshi and welcomed her to their home. The girl, despite her fiery appearance, and mischievous expression, proved kind, respectful, and intelligent.

Leah POV
I wrapped myself into an old worn down cloak, wandering around Ba Sing Se. I was trying to go unnoticed. The only thing stopping me from that goal was my vibrant green eyes. I thought a lot of people in the earth nation had green eyes! Apparently,  mine are too bright. They attract too much unwanted attention, even while trying to keep my head down.

"Excuse me young lady," I cringed and faced a kind looking old woman. "are you in need of shelter?" I nodded .She lead me along with her. I smiled all the way.

"I'm Leah..." I carefully gave her my real name. Her face twisted up into a wrinkled and warm smile. "It's nice to meet you Leah, I'm-"

I modeled Leah after descriptions of my Biological Aunt and Birth Mother. I've never met them, but descriptions if them were provided for me.

•My aunt has vibrant green eyes, and a medium African-American skin tone.

•Leah's actions and motives are based on how I imagine my birth mother would act.

•Besides skin-tone, the only thing that ties me to Leah, is that her name is taken Leigh, which is part of my real name (If you've read His Golden Eyes, you probably know me as Kiidii/Kidi or Kiwi).

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