Beware the Old Witch

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Beware the old witch
as she lurks through the dark she'll capture and alter a young lady's heart.
She's evil
she's cunning
She'll devour your soul
All to regain what the Fire Nation stole
If she gets you
your dead
though you'll think
all is well
Once she's under
your skin
she'll make your life Hell.

"Zuko, are you alright?" Tianshi placed her hand on the brooding Fire-Lord's shoulder. He was sitting on the floor in his old room. Staring at the walls.

Zuko shook his head. He rose from the floor. "I.. just... I feel like something is wrong." He looked at the Princess he would be forced to marry soon, then he dropped his gaze to the floor.

"...Your uncle has been getting worse." She reminds him carefully, her voice steady. Zuko nodded.

"I don't think that's it."

"I know..." Tisnahi trailed off. Her voice lower to drop an octave. This intrigued Zuko.

"Yes?" Zuko pressed.

"Zuko, " Her voice was no longer laced with gently spoken care, and her face held a solemn reverence. Zuko gazed at her. "I haven't been completely open with you."


😔 This is short, Incase you forgot I usually make these things up on the spot. I have Tianshi planned out a little, but I don't want her to be one of those characters you constantly wish would just f* Alois Trancy.

I think I'm going to have a vote about certain things later. But if there's only one reader who votes it's going my way.

My reason for this is : I'm just that much of a b*

2017 Update.
Times have changed! 0_O
I actually like Alois Trancy. Well, I'm intrigued by him anyway.

Shit's about to get real.

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