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The old woman hesitated for a moment, looking down at the dust covered floor. "I'm not important." She wrapped her arms around herself.

I looked down at her sympathetically, "Miss. You've showed me great kindness today. I believe you are important."

The woman's face went blank. "Dear, it's getting dark outside." She shuffled to her little kitchen, and set two bowls, spoons, and cups directly across from one another. "You must be starving."
After we had eaten, the woman took me on a walk in the dark. She told me stories about a young girl she once knew. A girl who was captured from her water tribe village. She told me about a skill the girl perfected, and the woman wanted to show me. We walked through tall grass even taller trees. I welcomed the sounds of grass waving in the warm, nightly breeze. I sighed, as invasive thoughts about someone I never should have left behind, began to conjure up feelings if guilt and regret.

I snapped out of it, and looked to the side of me, making certain I wasn't going ahead of, or falling behind the woman. But when I looked, she wasn't there. I tried to check behind me, but I couldn't. I was seemingly paralyzed! Only my eyes had freedom of movement. My eyes took a glance from side to side again, then up at the moon.

The moon was full. When I looked at it, I had an overwhelming feeling of panic.

"It's such a wonderful evening. Is it not?" The old woman's voice came from behind me. Something wasn't right.

Suddenly, as if she had said some sort of trigger word, my leg gave out or something and I was down on my hands and knees. I let out a breathless scream of pain. There was a pain in my side, and trickles of blood appeared, as my hands were burdened by thorns in the grass that I overlooked before.

My head stayed facing the earth, and listened to the woman approaching me. Her footsteps cracked eerily on dry grass..


I took multiple glances at the once lush and healthy grass around me.

It was dead.

Think, Leah. Think. I couldn't think!

A horrific sound cracked through my neck! My head was forced up, and my eyes connected with those which were once kind and gracious, to terrifying and mad. At that moment I knew who she was!

"Hama!" Just as soon as I had breathed the word, she laughed in my face and took my breath away. Hama put her face right I front of mine.

"Ah, so your friends have told you about me?" At the flick of her finger my body sent itself into a fit of shaking. I was going to die. "Your wretched associates got me thrown in prison to rot! I want my revenge, but I won't be able to lure them to me without a little... Bloodshed."

With every last strength I had, I steadied my heart beat, and cleared my mind. Fighting against Hama's force, as best I could, I reached for my inner shirt pocket for my knife.

I screamed, as my hand slipped through a large incision in my pocket, my wrist bumped the blade handle, and agonizing pain jolted through me.

Realization clicked: the blade cut into my side...and it's in my skin.

Hama tried to halt my actions with her wicked blood-bending, but she quit trying, and snickered at me.

I pulled my blade from my flesh.

"There, Hama!" I gritted my teeth. I could feel the blood seeping out. "You ha-have your bloodshed."

The old witch raised her hands. I was off the ground, and suspended in the air.

Hama drew me closer to her. She was an arms length away. "I wasn't the cause. I want them to know who they crossed!" She snarled. "I want Katara to see the truth!" I felt like I had more control over my body, though I was still suspended. "Your blood will be on Katara! And all of the water she bends, no matter how hard she tries to wash, or claw the skin off her hands...nothing..." She trailed off, her eyes foggy."NOTHING! Will be enough to take your blood off her hands!"

I had enough! I slashed my blade across Hama, her throat splattering blood all over my face, as I fell to the ground from my suspense. She used the last of her strength to bust my veins. I gurgled, choking and spitting blood.

"...Go. To. Hell." I gasped and coughed, but still said it.

I watched Hama fall, and watched my surroundings began to fade away.

Oh snap did Leah just die?!!!!! Or did she fake it?

Anyway thanks for sticking with the book. oh and the air bending thing from the first book, you might wanna remember that. -❤️u4infinity

2017 Update
This chapter won't ever communicate what I visualize. Revising this took way longer than I expected, and it still isn't how I want it, but hopefully I managed to communicate enough information, that you can fill in the game with


A house spider ran across my arm and into my bed while I was editing this. I don't mind spiders, but when they invade my personal space, I panic. Instead of killing it, I brushed it off the side of my bed. Killing is my last resort when it comes to spiders. I would rather have a curious spider, than a loud-arse fly.

His Golden Eyes: InsanityWhere stories live. Discover now