Chapter 1 (Bakugo)

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I have a new story and it's called Me and My Stories. Read it if you want I gave up on this but i will move each story from here onto there.

this one i have had on a youtube comment section for a while and wanted to put it here so people could see it here if they want. Hope you enjoy.

POV: You wake up in the middle of the night, every night, around the same time. No one knows about this except Bakugo. Well he doesn't know the time. You wouldn't have told him about it and he would have never found out. One day you went to class. You were so tired. On the verge of crying and yelling at anyone who would ask.

No one did but you wished they did. After classes and things you went to your room. Soon after you arrive you hear a knock. You go to answer the door. Bakugo was standing there with a bottle of water and a pill to stop the headaches and to help you sleep.You take them and thank him.

He just looks at you and you wonder why. He then asks to come in so you guys can talk.You let him in and talk about why you were so bad at everything today. And why you looked so tired. You just said "I wake up in the night and cant fall back asleep when I do." He just nods and tells you he's going to leave.

Before he's out of the door fully he just knocks two times and whispers something you couldn't hear. Before you can ask what he said he's gone. You are too tired to catch up to him so you end up sleeping.

A few days after that you find yourself awake in the night. You remember what Bakugo did and you try to imagine what he might have said. It looked like he mouthed "just knock." So you do. You knock two times and a few minutes later you hear the music being played from the room next door.

Which happened to be Bakugo's room. You then hear two knocks back. You sit leaned up against the wall just listening to the music. Soon drifting off to sleep.

What you didn't know was that Bakugo was also sitting leaning up against the wall. Right on the other side. The next day Kirishima had told you that when he went to go wake him up to hangout he found Bakugo sleeping leaning up against the wall.

That's when you realized Bakugo really did care about what you said.

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