Chapter 3(Kirishima)

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Watching movies, talking, and hanging out with friends.


You have been dependent on Kirishima for comfort and have also been trying to be his support as well. It started a few years ago when your parents kept saying hurtful things. They didn't know that what they were say was hurting you. When you tried to tell them to not say things like that, they would just continue saying it. They would also add the frequent "Your grounded for talking back" thing too.

It always made you mad. You would get so mad that it would make you sad.

"Kiri why don't they understand that when I ask them to stop talking to me that way they won't stop? Do you want to know what my stepdad said just yesterday when I told him I was going to finish what my mom told me to do?" you ranted.

He just gave you a nod, so you continued with the rant.

"He said I was grounded and then gave me an explanation that wasn't even relevant to what I was doing. He was all like, "your grounded for being disrespectful". How was I being disrespectful when I said, "I am going to finish this then do the dishes"? If I wasn't going to do them, I would have just said no or complained. I am pretty forward with things like that. What do you think about this?"

"Well, what were you doing before he asked you to do the dishes?" Kirishima asked

"I was finishing a project I had been working on for a while. then I was going to clean up, let the clay dry while I do the dishes. I just needed to clean up before mom got home so she could work. My mom said after she gets back home the store, she would let him know that I was doing this. I told her the dishes will be done right after. When she got home, she forgot our agreement and I got blamed for not doing my chores." you said.

"That's kind of dumb. Well since your grounded, wait how long are you grounded?" he asked. "For three days but I don't have my phone, can't go places, and can't work on my clay project until the days are over. I also can't come over to hangout anymore, well not until its over." you said.

"I was hoping you could come over. You can come over more when three days are over. If you want too of course." Kirishima said.

"That would be nice. I have to go now but I will call you when I am ungrounded. See you later Kiri." you say.

time skip (three days pass)

You called Kirishima. "Hey, Kirishima, I told you I would call you when I was ungrounded. Did you still want to hang out? You asked. "Yes. I always want to see you. I got snacks for a movie night." he said.

"You know it's only 2:00 right?" you asked. "Yeah, but we can just talk and hang out before the movie. Plus, we need time to invite people." Kirishima said.

"Ok. I'm walking to your place now." You said. "Ok. See you soon." Kirishima said. "Yeah." you said hanging up.

You arrived at Kiri's place pretty fast. "Hey, I'm here." You say knocking on the door. "Hello." He said answering the door. He answered it so fast it was like he was waiting at the door for you.

"Ok, so whod you invite?" you asked. "All of the Baku squad. Is that ok?" he asked. "Yes, that's fine." you said.

"Ok I wasn't sure. you never hangout with us." he said. "I don't think they like me." you said. "that's not true they love you. they always ask me when i will introduce you to them. they really want to know you." he said excitedly.

"Hey, do you want to listen to music and talk about life or anything?" Kiri asked. "Yeah." you said.

A few minutes later the music started and both of you just talked about things that happened in the past three days and very random things. Most of it was about other worlds and unrelated questions you thought of and asked each other.

A few hours passed and everyone was on their way to Kiri's place. As soon as everyone arrived, we all surprisingly agreed on a movie.

Danki, mina and Sero sat on the floor. While you, Kirishima, and Bakugo were on the couch.

After watching two movies Bakugo went back to his house (because he goes to bed early). During the third movie you fell asleep. You woke up at the end of it but realized you were leaning on Kiri.

No one noticed you woke up because the next thing you hear was something you never thought would never hear from any of them.

"When are you going to tell them, you like them?" Sero asked. "I don't know. I wasn't really planning on telling them anytime soon because of the fact they just seem so occupied with their parents." Kirishima said.

"Bro, you have to tell them." Danki said. "All the signs are there." Mina said. "Yeah, from what you tell us they talk to you all the time. The only time they don't talk to you is when your around us." Sero said. "Why is that? do they not like us?" mina asked.

"No, they like all of you. They actually think you wouldn't like them." Kirishima said. "Oh no is it because of the screaming and overall loudness of our group?" Mina added. "I don't know. They haven't said anything." he said.

"We got off topic. Kiri, you have to tell them when they wake up." Danki said. "What signs are there that prove they actually like me?" Kiri said brushing a hand along your hair and mid back. "Wait. What was that? What is that?" Mina asks quietly and excitedly.

"What- oh." Danki and Sero say together. "Kirishima, your arm is around them." Danki said.

"That's so cute. And now here are the reasons we think they might like you and why its obvious you like them." Mina started. "First, you tell us they talk to you the most. Second, we see the way you look when you talk about them to us." Mina said.

"Third, when you're not with us you're always with them." Sero said. "Fourth, they seem so safe in your arms right now." Mina said.

"Hurry, take a picture so we can show them when they wake up." Mina added, taking out her phone. "No, dont embarrass them." Kirishima said. "Too late. Shoot the flash was on." She said.

You then pretended to wake up. "Hey, youre up." Kirishima asked. "Why is everyone surrounding me?" you asked, face slightly blushing. No one could see it since it was dark. "Do you want to see this picture I have? Its so cute." Mina asked. "Sure." you said sitting up.

She showed you the picture she took and your face instantly turned more red. This time they all saw youre face change color with the light from the screen. "Aww. Youre so cute." Mina said.

Danki zoned out and Sero had been eating some of the leftover snacks. Kirishima's face turned as red as yours. "Umm. I have something to tell you." Kirishima started to say. He paused then spoke again. "I like you. Would you go on a date with me?" Kirishima asked.

You didnt answer right away which seemed to scare him. "Im sorry. I Didnt mean to-" he said kind of loud, cutting himself off very quickly. "Im sorry." He said again.

You just look at him and forgot you had to say something. Mina squealed, Danki and Sero just waited for you to answer, while eating snacks. "Whats your answer?" Mina asked.

"Im sorry. Yes of course." You say. "Can I have a hug?" Kirishima asked. You just hug him. A few minutes later you all realized it was really late and you had to get home.

Danki, Sero, and Mina lived close to each other, so they just walked home. Kirishima walked you home.

"Hey, do you want to hang out again tomorrow?" You ask. "Yes, of course." Kiri said.

You talk some more before you get home.

Once you are home you give him a hug. "See you tomorrow Kiri. Text me when you get home." you say. "Yeah, I will." He said.

10 minutes later Kirishima texted you: Goodnight pebble.
You texted back saying: goodnight.

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