A Singing Lady

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My brain took some time to process the fuzzy images I sighted when I woke up. I blinked in order to clear my vision. I blew my brown hair waving across my face. I sat up. I was seated on something that looked like a hospital bed. In front of me was a lady singing "Wake up. Wake up." in a soft tone. I didn't know how I could have woken up to that since her voice was so silent. The white hair was covered with a red shawl, a lavender flower cupped in her hands in front of her as she sang. She was translucent, I didn't know if I would be able to touch her.

Don't do anything that seems impossible, I thought to myself.

"Fall into the endless hole that appears on the bed. Fall into the endless hole that appears on the bed." she continued to sing in the tune of 5 Little Ducks. Just then, a hole sprang open in my bed, me falling through it with great speed. "AAAAHHHH!" I shouted in terror until I heard her sing 'Hit on pieces of glass. Hit on pieces of glass.'

"Oh no. This is gonna hurt." I tried preparing myself for the pain. I was not prepared. I crashed onto the shards of glass, causing extreme pain to flow through my veins. I couldn't bear it. I just couldn't. I crumpled to the floor. Hopeless.

'A rope may lower down and pick her UUUUUUUPP!' She sang in opera.

A rope tied onto my back and picked me up. The rope disappeared when I reached the top, releasing me to fall back into the hole. Instead, I hopped to the side of the bed and landed on the bedsheets. Hitting the glass shards sent pain through my body in such a way that even if I touched something, my body would feel like pins poking all over. I hit the sheets, shrieking in pain. I tried my best to bear it and picked up my bag as swiftly as I could. I brought my knife out to slit her throat so she could stop singing. I got off the bed before she sang another word and tried my best to slit her throat. Blood oozed from her neck, dripping on the ground forming the letters '4TH MISSION SUCCESSFUL. 1 REMAINS.' I sighed. I took the sheets and ran out of the place, to be greeted by a starry night sky above me.

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