A Girl With a Flower

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"IT'S NIGHT ALREADY!?" I huffed in anger.

I stomped over to a nearby park bench, ignoring the excruciating pain and ready myself to sleep. I angrily sat on the bench and ruffed over the blanket that I stole from the hospital. I ignored my scar throbbing madly. Just when I was about to lie down on the bench to sleep, a girl who looked about nine years old ran up to me, holding a stuffed panda in her arms protectively, the lavender flower in her hair swaying with the wind. Just looking at her made my skin flush red with anger. "Look kid, I don't care if you're another obstacle or an actual girl in need of help. I just want to sleep. I had a long day." I muttered, frustration clear in my voice. She frowned before she dropped her panda and took out the flower in her hair, which turned into a silver shuriken as soon as she touched it and attempted to stab me. I dodged and expectantly grabbed her wrist and disarmed her. She began to glisten into silver dust forming the words '5TH MISSION COMPLETE. YOU HAVE BEEN PROVED WORTHY.' in the starry night sky, as one of the stars curled itself into a map and fell in my hands. I tried a smile but I was so tired and frustrated that I fell back on the bench, settling into dreams.

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