New Portals

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(Authors note: I wanted to give my boo a name instead of death..... I was contemplating whether or not I would tie in greek mythology, I liked the idea, but It was a bit too ancient for my liking. so he is Lucifer! ) 

(also He {male pronoun in italics} is referring to another character so be patient for disclosure please!)

"Why did you do it? Why did you kill her? You know we needed her! She was the only way we could win!" Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose, only wanting to escape the torturous lecture.
     "Look, old man, I don't care what you think of my actions, but what I did was not my choice." The Guide, who kept watch over all lands, sighed and handed Lucifer a piece of paper.
     "Talk to Him, maybe he can figure out something," Lucifer rolled his eyes at the thought of the man.
      "Why do we need her though? If we're gonna take over, why can't we use our main soldiers?" The Guide was getting frustrated with Lucifer, and he slammed his fist against the desk he was sitting at.
      "Because they're weak! The girl, possessed by Freya's power, would be able to withstand the final battle," Lucifer smiled at the thought of the girl fully engulfed in nothing but pure power. He snapped himself back to reality and frowned again.
      "Fine, I'll talk to Him. But don't expect me to give a shit." With his final remarks, he left the man alone to wallow in his disappointment and regrets.


With a snap of his fingers, he transported himself to his original realm, feasting his eyes on the beautiful landscape. He may be a man of death and suffering, but that doesn't mean he hates living things. Surprisingly enough, Lucifer loves to garden. It was a calming pastime for him, letting him let go of his most anxious thoughts. 

He remembered about the paper currently in his hand and restrained himself from crushing it in his hand or setting it on fire. He didn't have to look at the paper to know its contents. He knew that He wanted him to see Freya, for the whole 'power transformation thing' but even Freya couldn't give power to a deceased mortal, at least he didn't think so. Shaking his head, Lucifer walked to the center of the garden, where he had his 'connections board'. there he summoned Him. A pixilated face appeared from the platform and a loud voice spoke.                                                                                               

     "What do you wish to speak me for?" 

     "I'm here to ask about the mortal. I would have her half-ready by now but thanks to you, you set me back at least two months because even with the 'cure' it would take that amount of time to bring her back and then get Freya's permission to use her power let alone try to convince her its a good idea, but no, you saw her as a 'threat'. She's a 20-year-old mortal from the humans' city what the hell do you think she could do to you?" Lucifer was surprised at his own boldness towards the Higher-up, still, he stood his ground. The Hologram scoffed at him. 

      "You finished? I have my reasons for my actions, and I don't think they concern you. Your my pawn remember?  You talk to Freya, I don't care how you get her on our side, just get it done."  

The hologram disappeared before Lucifer could say yes or no. He sighed and decided to move on with his quests instead of questioning the motives behind them. He figured out the frequencies behind the cast realm and transported himself there. 

He looked around his new surroundings, it was crawling with maggots, everything was in a chaotic mess, halfdead souls reaching from the floor, pleading for release from their torment. Lucifer shook the hands grasping at his feet and resisted the urge to vomit. His realm was said to be nervewracking, judging from this realm, he was scared to step any further. after what seemed like forever, he finally came upon a pair of doors. opening them he saw the same scene, yet godlier. A woman draped in red silk danced gracefully down a flight of stairs, her figure born to hypnotize anyone who set their gaze on her. Freya in all of her glory, looking down at the higher-ups. 

   "Why, if it isn't Lucifer himself, you finally decided to visit! I thought your ravish mind would  drive you quickly to me, but I see you are of the more responsible kind." Oh boy, I thought I was the shameless flatterer. Lucifer thought to himself. How can I ask for such a high favour without something happening beforehand?  

Lucifer cleared his throat, and his bashful personality took over. 

   "Well, I'm here to ask a favour, if you dont mind," She giggled and diamonds sparkled in her eyes. 

    "Ask away~" Lucifer was completely surprised at how easy this seemed.  

   "Um, well a girl whom I have previously killed needs to be resurrected, so to say. And from that she, uh, has to take your blessing." He narrowed his eyes at the woman. he noticed her eyes were dilated and she was acting a bit whimsy. She looked like she was deep in thought and then turned herself towards him. 

    "Sounds great! but I have one condition."  Ah, here it is, the catch. 

   "And what will that might be?" She smirked and swiftly opened a portal to her left. 

  "You'll have to fight her yourself," This whole trip was messing with his brain and he didn't know what to make out of all this. 

   "What do you mean fight her? like I said before, s-shes dead." She let out a small laugh and covered her mouth with her hand. 

    "Go in and see for yourself, mind you this is her realm, you can't pull any more stunts here." 

   "Why are you making this so easy? How come I don't have to fight you first?" Freya roared at his question, having to stabilize herself before she fell to the ground, but when she looked up she gave him a sharp face of disbelief. 

    "I'm drunk dumbass, now go, I can't  leave this portal open forever." 

It's 2 am rn and I am so tired, but I told myself I'll finish this for you dudes and tada! I did it lol. Idk I'm feeling pretty good with the grounds here, yes ik it's a bit boring but just you wait, it probably won't get better cuz I'm lazy. so bye I guess, goodnight and peace out. 

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