Second Impressions

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{This is starting in Juniper's POV}

Recap in Juni's mind; how she received her title and Realm.

Juniper was quietly sitting in her chair nestled in the corner of a small room. After her second death, she thought that it would be the end for her; though to her surprise, it was only the beginning.

She was magically whisked into a golden judge room in which a few men and women sat in high seats, looking down on the girl. She quivered in fear at the sight of these godly figures. He, in which Juniper assumed was the all-powerful leader she was taught to respect, stood up from his position and smiled at the girl.
'Wonders may be told, yet you have finally come home. Tell me child; why do you stand afraid?'  Juniper fell to the floor on her knees, shielding her eyes from the tall being.
      'Forgive me, but it is not every day you get to stand in front of the High One,'
She tilted her head up to view the feet of Him in front of her face.
      'Rise, child. There is no need for you to tremble. Mortals from your world would be cast to their certain fate, but you, my child, have become one of us.'
As Juniper stood up, a beautiful woman draped in red silk stepped down from her podium and stood next to Him.
        'Darling,' the woman spoke, her voice like honey, 'I have prepared a place for you, a place that fits your exquisite taste, a place for you to rule until your destiny calls you back.' The woman opened a portal with a wave of her hand, revealing an ethereal fantasy.
        'You, my dear, are now the goddess of-'

Her vision was snatched away when the high pitch sound of a kettle broke through the silence. She sighed to herself and got up from her seat. After retrieving the kettle, she made herself a cup of tea and returned to her previous activity; reading a thrilling murder mystery. She lost herself in the pages for a few minutes, which turned into hours...

She sensed a familiar presence standing in the doorway. She knew who it was without looking up from her book.
"Why are you here?" Juniper sneered, finally throwing her eyes at the man she knew all too well. Lucifer was leaning against the wooden frame, with his infamous side smile plastered sickly on his perfect face.
"Well, to be frank, I realized my mistake - as impossible as that is for me - killing you was a horrible decision," Juniper laughed mockingly and narrowed her eyes at him.
"No shit, now what do you want poor boy?" 
Lucifer rubbed his hand over the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly.
"you're gonna hate me-"
"I already do," She cut him off. He rolled his eyes.
"Just listen will you?" He sighed. "I have a very important task for you. I know I was a jerk,"
        "Asshole more like," Juniper interrupted again. Lucifer was getting tired of her and his temper was dying quick.
         "For crying out loud- just shut your fucking mouth for two seconds! I am on a time crunch right now and I don't need you bullshitting me on top of that, so sit your ass down and listen to what I have to say!"
She smirked in response.

          "Continue then, no ones stopping you," Lucifer pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed heavily.

         "God, if I could kill myself I would," he muttered to himself, "Ok so here's the thing, I'm pretty sure you've met Freya, so you guys have some chemistry, she's supposed to give you her blessing, and then you'll be powerful enough to fight the upcoming war, get the gist?" Juniper stared wide-eyed at the man, still trying to process his words.
        "I'm supposed to what now? Fight a war? What war? With who? And why?"
She felt a little bit sorry for Lucifer, he looked tired. She tried to remember how much he hurt her so her feelings couldn't get in the way, but nothing seemed to work.

       "We, have uh, dilemma so to say. The leader of the Demons are planning to kill Him and we have to stop them; now the downside is, we can't. none of us has the power to even defend ourselves."

Juniper set down her book on the table beside her chair and stood up. With the now empty teacup in hand, she walked to the kitchen where she placed the cup on the counter. She looked back up at the man and furrowed her eyebrows.

      "Wait, aren't you a demon? I mean, you guide death. Also If you guys can't save yourselves, you all being the most powerful beings in history, what, in the name of all that's holy, do you think I can do jack shit?" Lucifer chuckled and followed her to the space she was occupying.

       "Yes I'm technically a demon, but these demons I'm talking about are of the evil variety. And this may come as a shock to you, but the 'all-powerful being' isn't all that powerful. It's merely an act. Yeah, he talks fancy, but he's like a level eight on a scale from one to ten. And these demons? They're a solid 20. Now again, if Freya gave you her blessing, that and your power combined you would be able to fight them off." Juniper sighed and looked at the countertop, staring at her reflection.

     "I don't know, I don't understand what kind of power I have, a-am I a god, or some sort of mystical being? Because I don't feel like it." Lucifer put his hand on her shoulder and smiled.

     "You are an angel of creation, well, more like a spirit because you're not all here yet." Juniper glared at him and he backed up smiling sheepishly.

     "Wonder whos fault that is. So, these demons, when will they arrive here?"

    "we roughly have two weeks' time. Our realms however are hard to pinpoint. so they might have a difficult time. So come with me, I'll take you to our first destination." Juniper laughed in his face in disbelief.

    "No I will not trust you! have you lost your mind?" She defended.

    "I haven't lost my mind, darling, but you're going to have to trust me."

I am really happy for where this is going, but what do you think so far? Good, bad, maybe in the middle? Feedback is nice :) have a great rest of your day/night!

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