Chapter 11

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Alan’s POV

As we rushed back to the venue Erin ran a hand up my thigh. I swatted it away. “Not right now babe.” I said trying to focus on the road. We didn’t have time for another round right now. I wish we did but I had a show to play soon. I rubbed my neck with my hand. I had a giant hickey on the right side of my neck. I also had scratch marks on my back. She liked it rough and I definitely didn’t mind.

“Aw, why not?” She said with a puppy dog face. “You don’t like it?” She asked with a smile creeping across her lips. She knew I did. Maybe even a little too much.

“We have to get back to the ven…” I shivered as she ran her fingers up my thigh once again and this time she reached my belt. She looked at me and out of the corner of my eyes I could see the want she had inside her. I grabbed her hand gently and pulled it away. “Not right now okay? I really need to get back. And so do you.” She slumped back in her seat and folded her arms across her chest. “Come on don’t be mad.”

“I’m not mad…” She said as she looked out of the window. “I just… I feel like you don’t want me…” Was she being serious? I asked her to come on tour with us. I wanted her as badly as I wanted air.

“I asked you to come on tour with me what else do you want?” I asked. I pulled the car over to the side of the road and looked at her.

“You know what I want.” She said looking me in the eyes. There was that look again. The fiery burning of want was emanating from her eyes. I could almost feel the tension in the air. We stayed staring at one another and then we embraced each other. Nothing was off limits. I held her face in my hands but her hands were playing in a different neighborhood. She let out a soft moan when I ran my hands down her sides and kissed her neck.

We moved to the back of her car and the clothes seemed to just fall off. The guys were going to be pissed. What was I thinking? We needed to leave. She pulled me up off my back and grabbed my face. Maybe one more time wouldn’t hurt.

I Need Your Love Like A Boy Needs His Mothers SideDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora