Chapter 31

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Austin’s POV

Tino and Phil’s eyes were huge when Alan was telling them the news. Mine probably were as well. I couldn’t believe Alan got her pregnant. It wasn’t bad news but we all knew this meant complications in tours.

“Didn’t you think to use protection?” Tino said with anger laced in his words. He wasn’t trying to be mad but he also didn’t want this to complicate his work with the band. Alan looked down at the floor trying not to make eye contact with everyone as they stared at him.

“I did…” He said shyly.

“Obviously, something happened and we can’t change things okay? It happened. So don’t be mad at him. Everything is going to be fine. Now, Erin, what do you want to do? You want to keep it right?” I asked. I didn’t want Alan to get yelled at anymore and I wanted to know if they were keeping it. She nodded her head.

“Of course. It’s going to be hard as fuck, but this is our fault we did this so we have to take responsibility for it and raise it.” She said and I smiled. She was very smart and strong. I nodded my head making it known that I understood. Alan smiled at her and wrapped his arm around her waist pulling her in closer to him. Maybe it would be fun having a baby around some of the time.

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