Please Read *Disclaimer*

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Hello there, My names Faith. I'm 15, Pansexual & Pangender my pronouns are them/they please use them. I am a vegetarian and i have been struggling with self harm, EDNOS (binging & purging, and starving) I've been to the hospital more times then i can count, I'm suicidal, I've struggled with drugs. I have been diagnosed with ednos, BPD, depression, anxiety, ocd, add and insomnia. My doctors are always testing me for more shit. Everyday is a new Battle for me. 

I don't want no ones sympathy, i am writing this so people know that they are not alone and to vent. Please do not call me an attention seeker or anything, cuz that'll just make me feel like more shit. If you struggle with any of this or just need someone to talk to you can always msg me on here, or on kik (faithylou890) or on tumblr i will try to help my best. 

The contences i write might be triggering to anyone who suffers with eating disorders, self harm or any other mental illness. I will talk about myself, and just post poems that speak to me.

I really hope you will get in the mind set of a person like me, I've struggled threw life and death, drug use, suicide, eating problems, everything. i really hope you guys are doing great and please please never want this life never starve yourself, don't cut don't try to kill yourself and please please never ever start doing drugs. These things will ruin your life. trust me.

 **Trigger Warning**

This is not some "crash diet", but if you treat it as so, you're almost guaranteed to crash.

If you find yourself considering or experiencing harmful behaviors and/ or mind sets, please seek professional help immediately.

DISCLAIMER: I do not post content with any intention of threat or harm toward your well-being.

I do not share what I personally find to be triggering; BUT, not all brain sponges contain the same suds. What I post should and is not (meant to) be taken or used to worsen or encourage perilous behavior(s).

So if my milk is putrefactive in your tea, then I ask you, please refrain from viewing  the potentially tainting or unintentionally-curdled substance known as my mind.

The following may contain posts or discussions involving serious mental illnesses that customarily result in short and, oftentimes, long term physical effects.

These are NOT "trendy lifestyle choices", nor do they allow you to live a satisfied life.

They are hazardous and manipulative illnesses and I will not tolerate them being treated as a joke, fad, lifestyle or game.

They are not a choice.

Mentally Unstableحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن