Chapter Two~ Diagon Alley

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Chapter Two~ Demigods

         After collecting money from Gringotts, the eight demigods argued about where to go next.

      "We should get our wands first!" Jason said as he wanted to know what wand would choose him.

      "No, books would be more profitable to get first!" Annabeth said, glowering at the blond son of Jupiter.

       Hazel whispered something to Piper, causing the daughter of Aphrodite to clear her throat to get the attention of her boyfriend and Annabeth. "How about we get the other supplies first, then books and wands?"

      Both demigods quickly realized that they had to agree unless they wanted a full-out war.

     "Let's get pets first. Then we can get the robes and other supplies. Then we could go to Flourish and Blotts to get our books, and finally Ollivanders for wands." Annabeth suggested, and the others quickly agreed, not wanting a battle.

 When Hazel walked into the Magical Menagerie, she was amazed. There were animals everywhere! She grabbed Nico's hand and pulled him to a section with cats everywhere. Almost immediately a fluffy black kitten with green eyes started weaving between their legs.

 "Awww, you are so cute!" Hazel said, bending down to pick the kitten up. Another kitten padded over to Nico, this one a tortoiseshell. It quickly mewed loudly and jumped on Nico, climbing until it reached his head and made a nest out of his hair.

"Don't you dare laugh." The son of Hades threatened his sister, who was giggling.

Across the store, Percy was looking at a toad that somehow he could understand.


"Hi. How can I understand you?"

I'm a special toad that comes from the sea.


The demigods had split up, Annabeth and Piper going to Eeylops Owl Emporium and the rest to Magical Menagerie, as Percy still could not be around owls without them attacking them until they got to Hogwarts, and the others had decided to enjoy looking at ground-dwelling animals. Meanwhile, Piper and Annabeth were discovering what would happen if a daughter of Athena was to walk into a store that was selling almost all the owls in Diagon Alley.

"Had you known that you could be kicked out of a owl shop just because they worshiped you before?" Piper asked Annabeth, trying to keep up conversation while the blonde flipped through Hogwarts: A History.

"No, but did you know that there is a version of standardized testing in the fifth year? I can't wait!"

Piper tuned out her best friend as she enthused about the testing system. Annabeth was sweet, but sometimes she went full daughter of Athena. Often Piper tried to listen to the best of her abilities, but almost all of it went past her head. Even Annabeth's newly purchased Great Grey Owl was looking disgruntled at the information Annabeth was pouring out.

"Where are we going now?" Piper asked as the two girls had been walking for a while.

"I thought you were leading!" Annabeth said, channeling her inner eleven-year-old as a show for a family of red-heads that were giving the girls weird looks.

"Oh no! Are you lost? We can give you directions!" The mother of the family offered kindly.

"No than-" Piper started to say when Annabeth cut her off.

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