Chapter 3~ the train ride

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A/n: I just wanted to say that a significant portion of this chapter is not my original work. It belongs to J.K Rowling. 

When Frank opened his eyes the first thing he saw was a giant fish tank. A very familiar giant fish tank.

What am I doing back here?! He thought, panicking. I am supposed to be in the 1990s, not the future! But here he was, back in Porky and Keto's giant demigod containing aquarium, floating in the water as a giant koi. But as he looked around, his dream morphed into thick black darkness with three deep echoing voices laughing as Frank was being consumed slowly by the inky black void. Everything went dark, and Frank woke up.

As the others were sleeping, Hazel was playing with the kittens. She had convinced Nico to get the little tortoiseshell that had climbed on him and then had bought the fluffy black kitten for herself. Now they were exploring the room that Hazel and Nico shared in the house that Hecate had bought for the demigods, and tumbling around. A knock on the door startled her.

"Come in!" She called. Nico slightly stirred in his sleep unconsciously reaching for his cherry wand lying beside him on his nightstand.

"Five more minutes Will..." He muttered, turning over onto his other side. Hazel felt a rush of affection for her brother who had changed so much since he started to date Will Solace.

But as she was having happy uninterrupted thoughts, Hecate rushed into the room.

"Hecate? What are you doing here?" Hazel asked worriedly.

"There has been an unsettling... development." The goddess said.

Reyna walked along the edge of her favorite view in all of New Rome. Everything was going perfectly. The sky was clear and periwinkle blue, and there was a light but somehow salty breeze. Just as Reyna was about to sit on a nearby bench, the sky darkened in the blink of an eye, and green flashes flew throughout the city. She could hear screams carried up by the increasingly harsh wind, along with the metallic tang of blood. A skull with a snake for a tongue was projected above the city. As Reyna watched with horror, the entire legion was cut down within minutes. Reyna could barely make out a whisper on the edge of her brain throughout the time of watching her home fall.

"You could've saved them and yet you didn't. Now New Rome will fall and you will be helpless as you watch me destroy everything you stand for......"

Nico woke up to see that Hazel was not in the room and that the sun was shining through the curtains.

"Hazel?" He said slowly, still waking up from an extremely odd dream. He got up and changed into clothes that weren't pink pajamas.

Why did Will buy those for me? He wondered as he went downstairs. He heard voices talking, including one that sounded very familiar.

Jason appeared around the corner.

"Hey, Nico! Leo made us some enchiladas and we were waiting for you to get up before starting."

"Okay," Nico replied. As he walked around the corner with Jason he saw a very familiar aged-down girl.

"Reyna? What are you doing here? How are you here?"

The woman beside her cleared her throat. It was Hecate.

"I decided that having another Roman demigod on this quest would be a good idea." The expression on Hecate's face suggested that there was something more than that going on, but she didn't elaborate. Hazel had a similar expression as well.

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