Chapter 24

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Once they were cruising along the road, Sam asked, "Wait, if you changed you 'bot form look like?" 

"It looks exactly the same, but my colours are switched, so the orange areas are sea blue, gold areas are light purple and silver areas are white." 

There was silence for a while, then Simmons reminded them that they had to remember the clue. So that led to him and Sam repeatedly repeating that sentence Jetfire told them. For fragging hours

"Okay, let's go over it again," Simmons said and Light felt like banging her head on the door. "When the dawn alights the Dagger's Tip," they both started. "The Three Kings..." Simmons continued. 

"Will reveal the doorway," Sam finished. "That's what he said. You know what it means?" Simmons asked.

"No, what does it mean?" Sam questioned.

 "I have no idea," Simmons replied. Light facepalmed, letting out an audible groan. 

"For Primus' sake, we already ingrained it in our minds, just... drop it before I go insane!" The two shut up after that. They slowed down as they approached a checkpoint. 

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Checkpoint. Checkpoint, I don't have my passport," Leo blurted, totally freaking out again. 

"Damnit, Leo, shut up!" Light hissed, slapping him. 

"Passport!" One of the guards called out. A man atop the watchtower yelled out a phrase in a language unfamiliar to Light before making his way down. 

"They've got cameras at the top," Sam breathed, fidgeting nervously in his seat.

 "All right, chill. This is espionage time. I can handle it," Simmons assured. That did little to calm Light. Anything done in the hands of Simmons could damn well be screwed up bigtime, well, not as bad as Sam, but still.

"These are my people. I'm one-thirty-six Arab," Simmons continued. 

The guard, who was short, like really short, walked up to them. 

"Great, a freaking Munchkin! Little people are mean. Tell him he's tall," Wheelie suggested. Light dragged him down, chucking him onto the floor. 

"Stay there," she snapped and he cowered. The guard trailed a finger over Bumblebee and Light cast the wheel a warning look. Bee let out a small chirp of disgust, but other than that he stayed silent. 

"The Dagger's Tip, right?" Simmons asked, "Egypt, Jordan. We want to go there. Me and my family. This is my family. This is my son, his girlfriend, my other son and my daughter," Simmons gestured to the rest of them in the car, "We're tourists, from New York." 

"New York!" The guard's eyes widened as he smiled.

"Yes, yes," Simmons affirmed. 

"Fifty kilometers," the guard said, pointing straight ahead. Simmons nodded and Light knew he was about to say something that would likely make the situation worse, so she kicked his seat hard as a signal to shut him up. Simmons did so, having seen what Light could do. 

"Go Yankees!" the guard called from behind them. Light just shook her head as Bumblebee started driving again. 

They stopped after about a half hour, Light deactivating her human mode and transforming. She stretched, feeling her parts crick as she did so. 

"Much better," she exclaimed, scaling the small cliff. 

"Undercover, yo. You've got to blend in with your surroundings," Skids spoke. Light just shook her head and sighed, whacking him on the helm, making him cry out in protest. They stopped at the foot of a pyramid, Simmons commenting, "Awesome! I think aliens built that!" Light just sighed again, rolling her optics as they headed to the building nearby. 

"Yeah, yeah," Simmons nodded vigorously before going over to the building too. 

"Come on. Move it, move it!" Sam ushered them in. 

"Guard us. Low profile. Don't make a scene, okay?" Sam told the 'bots. Then, he turned to Light. "What about you?"

Light smirked. "Done and done," she announced, activating her cloaking that made the car simply disappear into thin air. Sam's eyes were wide as Light pushed past him, pulling him into the building behind her.

A few hours later, it was nighttime. Light leaned on her alt, she had deactivated the cloaking sometime ago and she gazed up at the night sky with white, flickering specks. Bumblebee was parked next to her. 

"I miss him..." Lightning whispered, sighing. Usually, when they were free, on beautiful nights like this, they would stargaze together, reminiscing on their pasts. Optimus would tell her stories of how life used to be like on Cybertron while Lightning would tell him all about her old life. They would listen to each other as they talked, perfectly comfortable in the dark.


"Oh Primus... that was a busy day," Light groaned as she lay to the beach some distance away from the base, listening to the waves crash against the shore. 

"Indeed it was, Ayla," Optimus chuckled softly. "

Welps, we survived, at least," Light said sarcastically. Optimus just shook his helm slightly. 

"All the paperwork sucks sometimes," she muttered. 

"It is necessary when we are dealing with politics," Optimus told her. "Yes, O great Prime and mentor," she rolled her eyes. Optimus just sighed, knowing that he could not stop her from saying it anyways. 

"Ratchet was grumpy today, wasn't he?" she mused, her gaze flicking from one constellation to the next. "How did you know?" Optimus asked. "Hmm, perhaps it was due to the fact that he was yelling all day, or maybe because OP walked in the medbay but got chased out, even earning a nicely sized dent caused by a massive wrench?" she teased.

"Ayla... that hurt," The Prime said. "You sound like a whiny child sometimes," Light snickered. "Stop that," Optimus sighed. "Tch, why should I?" she retorted. 

"Who's in a bad mood now?" Optimus smiled. "Ugh... blame it on Sides. He decided it was a good idea to make me slip and fall due to oil on the floor," she muttered. "Well, Ayla? Did you?" The mech questioned. "Of course not, OP!' Light scoffed, "It was the fact that even though I didn't fall, a bucket of paint covered me as I regained my balance!" Optimus' smile became slightly wider. 

Light nudged him with a servo. "Stop it," she complained, "It's not funny." "I don't think that happens to be the case, Ayla, you are smiling too," Optimus pointed out. Light mentally groaned. Curse Optimus and his observation skills. 

"So, what's on the stargazing list today?" She changed the subject quickly. "Spot... Aquila!" Optimus said first. Light's optics scanned the sky, Optimus doing the same. "There!"' she crowed, pointing out the constellation. "Ha! Beat ya!" Light laughed as Optimus vented. Soon, they ran out of things to talk about, but it didn't matter. They just lay there in a comfortable silence, admiring the stars above them.

End of Flashback

Light simply really hoped that this time, the timeline for this movie won't be screwed up just because of her. 

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