Chapter 48

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A few hours later...

"So, there's been no sign of any others?" Optimus questioned. 

"Nada," Hound said. 

"We are all that is left," Drift gestured at all of them. 

"They're picking us off, one by one," Crosshairs added. 

"We're the pathetic, dirty foursome. And you two make six," Hound finished. 

"That's where you're wrong," a voice spoke from behind them. A white and green 2004 Search and rescue Hummer H2 ambulance as well as a black GMC Topkick truck. The two transformed. 

"Took us a while to get here, but we're here now," Ironhide spoke gruffly. 

"Didn't want to deal with all the four of you anyways," Ratchet grumbled. Light just smirked.

"The last two I saved. They must've heard Optimus broadcast. And the rest? Most are in another dimension which is safe. I couldn't save the wreckers though." 

"How did you do it?' Suddenly, all the attention was on Light. "I got some... help..." 

"From Devastator," Optimus realised. 

"Yeah," she muttered, "You know me too well." 

"Why would you let that slagger help you?" Ironhide questioned, distrust in his voice. 

"Look, without her, you all wouldn't be here. Be grateful, at least. Devastator is not who you think she is," Light shot back authoritatively. Ironhide grumbled but otherwise did not question Light again.

Light just shrugged, transforming back to her alt and activating her human form. She walked over to where Cade, Tess and Shane were sitting and picked a spot before settling down. 

"So what's our best case scenario? Autobot witness protection?" Shane asked, causing Light to roll her eyes. 

"Hey, Speed Racer, you're welcome to leave anytime," Cade retorted. 

"Well, for the record, Super Dad," Shane countered, "I'm not hiding with you. I'm hiding out with that big guy." He pointed at Optimus. 

"Sensei, with your fate unknown, Bumblebee has held command, despite his complete and total lack of anything resembling warrior discipline. He is like a child," Drift pointed one of his swords at Bumblebee before pressing it into the ground.

"This child is about to kick your ass!" Bee's radio blared as he advanced towards Drift. 

"He brings us shame," Drift added before Bumblebee lunged at him and the two started dueling. 

"Cage fight," Hound muttered. 

"What's the matter with them?" Tessa asked. 

"Am I the lone sage who sees through this puppy-dog eyes act? It is beneath you," Drift hissed, his two swords in a headlock around Bumblebee's helm. 

"Yes, I have been waiting for them all to dispatch each other, so I could take charge with no trouble at all. Just me reporting to me," Crosshairs commented cockily, twirling one of his guns.

"Well, it sure looks like you've been missed," Cade looked at Optimus and Light. 

"Autobots, Lockdown is hunting us and humans are helping," Optimus started, his voice authoritative. 

"We need to know why," Light finished. 

"But... don't you know already?" Tessa questioned, looking confused. 

Light scoffed, "Do I really have to explain this all the time? It is not my place to reveal what happens in the future. If I do, there could be multiple alternate universes opening up. Most will make this situation even worse. There, happy now?" Light crossed her arms, looking away. "I should have done more..." she murmured, too softly for others to hear as she closed her eyes. 

"Well, listen, I don't know why, but I have an idea about who," Cade offered, taking out the KSI drone.

Drift transformed into his alt as Cade placed the drone on him. 

"This drone I stole recorded footage of an Autobot raid," he spoke as the drone started projecting videos. "It's in pieces, but watch what happens here." 

"Oh, that's Leadfoot," Hound spoke, looking at the red wrecker. 

"They rip him apart," Cade whispered. 

"Savages." Hound removed his helmet, holding it against his chestplate. Light lowered her gaze, a tear falling from her eye. 

"And later, this truck comes to haul him off. KSI. Kinetic Solutions, defense, aerospace, government contracts, they designed this drone," Cade finished. 

"So these government guys just hunt you down and pass you off to KSI?" Shane asked. 

"It may not be so much of the government itself. The president allowed us to remain here. It is more of... an individual branch," Light spoke up. 

"Their headquarters is in Chicago. That could be where they were taken," Cade suggested. 

"No way to get inside without a battle," Hound added.

"Well, what if you had some human help?" Cade offered. 

"You're his partner now?" Tessa asked him accusingly. 

"Sweetie, we're targets now too! We have to find out why we'll never get our lives back again!" Cade exclaimed. 

"Autobots, I have sworn never to kill humans," Optimus started. "Big mistake," Hound commented. 

"But when I find out who's behind this, he is going to die," Optimus' words were filled with such hate... Light's eyes widened as she stared up at him in shock. Ratchet, Light and Ironhide exchanged a glance. Optimus... this wasn't the Optimus they knew, not the kind, caring and compassionate one. Light nodded slightly, signaling that she would talk to him. 

Later that night...

"Optimus..." Light murmured, driving up to where the Prime was stargazing and transforming. 

"Yes, Ayla?" Optimus asked, turning to look at her. 

"I know you're angry... but you shouldn't want to kill," she whispered, sitting down next to him. "You need to... forgive and forget." 

"How do I do that Ayla? If you weren't here... all of them could have died! We fought so hard for the humans, only for them to betray us," Optimus' voice cracked slightly. Light had never seen him so vulnerable before. 

"I made mistakes too... I didn't save all of them. But... to quote someone, 'This is one of the responsibilities of command. You have to send some people to their deaths'." (Yes, I quoted Nimitz here lmao) Optimus vented softly. "How can you forgive so easily after all you went through, all Devastator did to you?" He asked.

"I... I know that she sincerely doesn't want to kill me. She is only doing it because of Dabria's curse. I just believe that everyone deserves a second chance, regardless of what they have done. You must be open minded and... understanding. Be the Prime I used to know, please. You were compassionate. You swore never to kill humans, so why would you start now?" Light finished, venting softly. 

"You are right, Ayla, but now I have come to see that humans are cold-blooded killers." 

"Not all, OP. They are grieving. Grief can do a lot to a person. But you must know this," Light paused for a moment.

"The world itself is like a huge blackness. Still, there is always a small spark of light there. If we ourselves do not keep it alight, then this world is lost..." Light whispered, staring up at the stars. Optimus vented softly. 

"You are right, Ayla. I should not thirst for blood." 

"Now that's the OP I know," Light smiled slightly. Optimus was silent, but inside, he was wondering, She has gone through so much and yet... she is still so cheerful and kind, always willing to forgive... Lightningstar is special. But that isn't exactly true. Honestly, Light regretted a lot of things. She blames herself a lot, yet she tries, tries to stay happy for the rest. Yet behind that cheerfulness, there is a cage. A cage with bars that are so strong. And she is chained up, unable to escape this cage. Yet no one knows... 

Ayo update at last! Uhhhh I don't have much to say... but hopefully the next one will take a shorter time lol- AnYwAyS, as per usual, please, vote, comment and follow! :D

~Lightningstar out

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