Chapter 1 - Déjà Vu

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-Present Time-

It was 10:00 p.m. and the moon was illuminating the sky with its blue hue. The gentle whisper of the wind rung through my ears. I was sitting on the balcony of the secluded Aquila mansion. A growling sound suddenly escaped from my stomach.

Perhaps I'll go out for a late dinner.

I walked through the door that led back into the empty mansion, making my way over to my closet and sinking into a hoodie. I fixed my hair, grabbed my tote bag, and dashed out the front doors.

Since the house was well hidden in the lush forest right next to York New City, I usually just walked through it to get downtown. There were a few cars in the garage of the mansion, but I liked the idea of being able to just walk anywhere. Freedom is nice. Of course, this doesn't apply to longer distances.

After about 15 minutes of walking, I arrived in the streets of York New.

It's always so beautiful at night.

Despite the dark sky, York New City shone so brightly in the late hours. Several glints of every color imaginable lit up every street. I smiled at the familiar sight. I continued walking until I came across one of my favorite restaurants in York New City. They served Italian food, my favorite. I pushed through the doors and instantly recognized the scent of garlic.

"(Y/n)! We've missed you around this place!" a waiter, named Antonio, called out. He was most likely around twenty years old and always wore his long, brown hair in a bun on the top of his head. Several stray hairs poked out all over his head and the back of his neck.

"Antonio! I didn't know you were working tonight. I'm glad to see you. Oh, guess what? My birthday is tomorrow!"

"Is it really?" he exclaimed. "Well, then your dinner is free tonight! I'll even throw in a surprise. Want the usual?"

"Yeah! Make sure it has extra cheese."

"Of course."

I can't believe I'll finally turn 18 tomorrow. I guess I now could make contact with my old family and friends, but I don't exactly feel ready to face them yet. After all, I left them all behind. It was a pretty selfish decision even if it was logical.

Knots formed in my stomach and I fidgeted with my hands. Antonio came out with my meal about 15 minutes later, as well as a free strawberry sundae. I devoured my food quickly and leaned back in my chair a bit.

"Happy birthday, (Y/n)." Antonio rushed back over and handed me a small gift box. It probably contained some sort of jewelry.

"Thank you, I appreciate it." I stood up and looked into his violet eyes before hauling him into a short hug.

"Open it whenever you arrive back home!"

I sat back down for a moment once Antonio left. I turned my head a bit and saw a blonde boy in rather odd clothing sitting in a booth alone. A single ruby earring dangled from one of his ears. He was attractive, to say the least.

Why does he look so familiar?

I got up to leave the restaurant when I heard a voice behind me.

"(Y/n), is it? Happy birthday," the boy said gently.

My face lit up. "Thank you. Uh, if you don't mind me asking, what is your name? You seem so..."

"Familiar?" He finished my sentence. "Unfortunately, I cannot tell you my name. I believe we've met before, although I can't exactly remember when or where."

He can't tell me his name? That's a little weird. Perhaps he works in a secretive field.

"That's what I was thinking as well. Well, have a good night."

I walked out the door and felt something brush against my hand, like some sort of aura, but thought nothing of it. I returned back home and entered the lonely, secluded mansion yet again.

As I walked into my bedroom, I noticed a crinkling sound coming from my hand.

Is this a piece of paper?

I took out the small paper and opened it up. Ten numbers spread across it. It seemed like that boy snuck it in my hand. It was pretty obvious it was his phone number.

Putting away my shoes and bag, I threw myself onto the king-sized bed. I took my phone out and started a new conversation with the number.

"I've never seen someone use nen for such purposes before. What a wimp."

I allowed a playful smile to come upon my face before getting dressed for bed. I finally crashed into my pillow and drifted off to sleep.


The next morning, I woke up with the nagging sensation that I had forgotten something the night before.

Oh right! I didn't open Antonio's gift yet.

I stumbled over to the dresser where the small box was placed. I pulled on the purple ribbon surrounding the box and then took off the top.

What the hell?!?!?

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