The Fire in Blood

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i feel asleep right away , it was warm and soft . i felt the warmth of the roof comeing close to me .  i rember that claude alway took care of me , he use come stay with me when i got nightmares , just rembering the mistake i did was a best mistake i done . 3 years ago i killed 5 men , i found there the ones who killed my family .  that day i coudlt stop crying , claude was there for me and always has been . but i really do miss him , just how his eyes shine and his sweet lips ... but now i have a new life . like cladue always said " sweet life is a gife , and i wish i can stay with u forever " . but that never happened . i had to leave claude , i never really lover claude becuse he never had time for me . in the moring i got changed and mey-rin came in 10 mins later. " come on come on " she said . i followed her but i coudlt really seem to breathe . when we got there i saw 2 boys playing some creppy hand game . "ah hello mey-rin and marry " they both said . " marry your so beatuiful " said finni . " uh umm thank you " i said looking down . " hey finni , no flriting , thats my thing " brad said . " so marry , how was your life before you came here ? " brad said . " uh ... i prefer not to say .... " i said . " brad wha a stupid thing to ask " mey-rin said hitting his head .  " uh sorry , " he said . i saw finni just looking at me . " guys , today is the ball , must keep it spotless . since we are invited , we must finshed fast . " mey-rin said . " yes yes , i will clean the garden , brad clean the ball room and dont blow it up , and ladies you will wash dishes . once the ladies are done help brad clean the ball room " finni said . we all walked  , but when i past the hall i saw sebatian . i saw him looking at me and he was smileing . i looked away .  i saw walking out the door and i tryed to hurry . " marry relax i know its hard for you too forget pian " mey-rin said . i tunred around and i saw him eneter a other room .  i sighs and said . " yes ... yes .. but lets never talk of it ". i felt him walk out of ther room . i felt chills up my back .  i saw mey-rin turn around and she said " hello mister sebatian  " . " good evening mey-rin and miss marry " he said bowing . i felt as if he wast here but i now turely found someone trust .

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