Chapter 5: Confusion, Hurt, and Just Plain Trouble

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No, (Name), no, bad girl! No, you can't still have so many feelings for him! (Name) scolded herself as she was debating whether or not to interrupt Gary's furious scribbling to give him a cup of coffee. While deciding, she had found herself staring at him.

No, bad (Name). You can't. You can't you can't you can't. You can't-

"(Name)? You need something?" Crap. He noticed.

"Ahaha- no! I mean, yes! I mean, do you want a cup of coffee?" (Name) stuttered like an idiot. Gary blinked.

"Um. Okay. Sure." (Name) handed him the coffee and practically ran away upstairs to her room.

Shit, shit shit, he probably thinks I'm an idiot now! she thought. Espeon caught sight of (Name) and gave her a knowing look.

"Espi! Espeon!" Beep. 'Translation: Don't worry. It will all get better soon, I promise. Hang in there.'

"Oh Espeon, I don't know if things will ever be okay again, but thank you for trying to cheer me up."


Espeon's P.O.V. (Here we go again... BECAUSE I CAN)

Shit. I need to find Umbreon. We have to do something. I know something's wrong. Really wrong.

The Lake Guardians. Something is bothering them. I've been feeling the signals for five years. Recently, they've grown stronger.

All Pokemon are linked together. We're all a species, and we never actually hate another Pokemon. It's always friendly competition. Us Pokemon always stand by each other. And when one is in serious trouble, we all get signals.

When I first felt them, I thought I was imagining them. But when I kept hearing them, I began to get worried. But I never showed any worry to (Name). That poor girl already has too much on her plate. She doesn't know what really happened...

I head to where Gary was sitting at the table. I study him closely. He obviously doesn't remember me, even though I had a strong bond with him. Then again, he and (Name) had an even stronger bond, although they had only recently discovered that their bond was actually true love- before everything happened that day.

That day.

(Name) will never understand how much I know.

Especially since I am a Psychic-type.

Since Uxie, Mesprit, and Azelf are Psychic-types as well, their cries are much louder in my head than in other Pokemons' heads. And recently, I've started to hear the cry for help from another Pokemon, although I'm not sure what it is...

It's obviously terribly wounded, and the reason why they're wounded is obviously because of Yveltal, the Distortion World, and the world losing the perfect balance that Arceus had tried to keep.

It was shifting all because of Yveltal.

All because of him.

I jump onto the chair next to Gary and mew quietly. He looks at me and smiles. The same smile he used to smile to me when I tackled him playfully. The smile that he only shows to the ones he truly loves. That includes his family, most Pokemon, and (Name). Of course (Name). I really wish that they had never been separated. (Name) had a beautiful smile. They were obviously the perfect match... but things never seem to turn out right, do they?

"Hey there," he said to me. "I guess you're pretty lonely, huh? After all, (Name) usually only has you out, and occasionally her Buneary, right?"

"Espi, Espeon," I answer. I hear the familiar beep of the translator. Oh, that translator. I wish I could just start talking about everything. And I mean everything. Everything that Audrey or something had lied to him about. About his real life. About the little bond we had and his journey. About (Name).

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