Why Tom?

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(Ok so I haven't written in thisbone for a very long time,  my writing and myself as a person have both changed a lot,  so I hope this chapter turns out good)

Alice looked at Tom and sighed knowing that this would be an annoying conversation to have

Normally she would have liked to avoid conflict with Tom but she wasn't going to stand down on this one

Alice: listen here Tom, y/n is just a child, children need room to move around and freedoms....

Alice paused realizing she knew nothing about children or what they needed added

Alice: I guess..... no they do! It makes sense,  the kid can't be locked in a little cage all the time

Tom gave her a look of disapproval and shook his head

Alice: don't look at me like that, whats the point of us hiding out here and surviving if we're no better than the demon or the mad angel?

Tom stone faced as ever jabbed a finger at her then at himself and clasped his hands together, he then pointed at y/n and shook his head

Alice: Tom, I understand wanting to survive, by y/n is a damn child! You would have that child fend for themself because why? Why Tom?

He didn't give an answer as per usual

Alice: I am gonna help this kid, I'll take responsibility for them, I'll do it with or without you Tom, and I'm doing it MY way!

She saw the hurt look in Tom's eyes and immediately felt bad, but she couldn't quit now, it was all or nothing

Alice: so starting today y/n isn't going to be locked in that tiny cell anymore,  they will be allowed to roam the safe house freely and.....

It was at this moment she realized y/n was nowhere to be seen

Alice: y/n? Where did you go?

She looked around beginning to become frantic

She calmed when she saw the small child peeking around the a corner with a worried look un their eyes

Alice: y/n, whats wrong?

Y/n looked like they might be thinking of running, but given that there was no place to run they slowly came back to the room looking nervous

Y/n: you two are fighting because of me, I'll stay in the cell, or.....ill go away if you want,  I always make everyone.... everyone.....

The child began to sob but seeming to realize this they turned their face away trying not to let the tears be seen by either one of them

Alice: no no, we're just....

She reached out to the kid but saw them flinch away from her hand in fear

She drew her hand back confused but then tried again, she put a hand on the child's face lifting a bit of their slightly long hair revealing a few day old bruise on the child's eye

Alice: where did this come from?

The child's eyes widened in fear for a second before they seemed to relise something

Y/n: m-my momma....

Alice covered her mouth in horror

Alice: your parents... they....

She couldn't bring herself to finish but the look in y/ns eyes said enough

Alice looked at Tom then back to the kid not knowing what to say or do

Alice: I'm..... i.... uh.... I'm sorry

She didn't know what else to say.... didn't know what else to do, so she acted on impulse

Pulling the child closer to her she enfolded them in a small hug

I'm no angel Alice angel x child reader (batim)Where stories live. Discover now