I can explain

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Y/n didn't know how long they had been in the small cell that the strange people had put them in, it was scary but honestly wasn't that bad, Alice fed them every so often and talked to them when she could, Tom didn't talk or cook but just silently threatened them all the time

Alice however was extremely kind, she would even read them stories sometimes, or tells tales of her own changing her voice for different characters

Today was like any other day, if it was day, none of them actually knew

Alice was singing to herself while y/n was drawing on a piece of paper that Alice had given them, drawing cartoony version of Alice and Tom, even of themselves, y/n of course didn't show any of the others because they didn't think the drawings were very good

Y/n finally got bored of it, they were tired of being in a tiny cell all the time

Y/n: miss Alice?

Alice: yes y/n?

Y/n: can I please get out of this little cell thing ?

She sighs
Alice: you know how Tom feels about that.....but

She looks over at the door then around the little safe house

Alice: he's not here, sooo

She checked around one last time before walking over and reaching over the wooden boards that kept y/n captive reaching down and picking y/n up before setting them on the other side

Y/n looked around and smiles while walking in a few circles just to get feeling back into their legs

Alice smiles and sits on the floor just watching them explore all around


Alice watched y/n a smile on her lips as they started to play around, using their imagination to make up stories and have a little fun

She laughed, something she hadn't done in a long long time, something tom couldn't ever make her do

She got an idea, she stood quietly and snuck up on y/n while they were busy with their game she got behind them and grabbed them scaring them

Alice: boo!

Y/n yellped but laughs once they saw it was only Alice

All the laughter died instantly as tom walked in

Alice: I can explain

I'm no angel Alice angel x child reader (batim)Where stories live. Discover now