The studio

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Y/n ran towards the large structure in hopes of finding safety from the blistering cold of night. They went to the front most door and opened it a little to peak inside the place. It was too dark to see so you opened the door more and quickly ducked inside.

There was almost no light but y/n eyes were Adjusting so they could almost see. The place was huge and kinda creepy. Y/n decided to look around for a place to sleep and maybe some blankets. They walked around and started to realize what this place was. The sight of cartoon characters made it obvious. Although you were never allowed to watch cartoons at home so you didn't know what any of them were. One had pointed ears and a huge grin. It was on a lot of posters around the studio and a few cardboard cut outs. By reading the posters you learns his name was bendy. Second was a wolf in coveralls called Boris you smiled at his picture on the wall. He looked kinda, goofy.

Y/n walked further in till they saw something that terrified them to the bone. On a large table sat a strange parody of life in the form of a dissected Boris. You couldn't stay in this place, you had to leave.

Y/n felt something wet run across their bear feet. They looked down to see a black liquid covering the floor. They began to run. They ran until the exit was within sight. Almost. Almost....

The floor snapped and gave out beneath them sending them plummeting into the abyss. Then darkness as you hit your head knocking you unconscious.

Alice pov

It had been a while since Alice had left her safe house with Tom and she needed to go scouting to keep her sain. Tom didn't like it but that was to bad. Alice had told his she was going all the way up to the music department today (or night they couldn't tell time underground ). As she climbed her way up she felt a breeze. That was strange.

When she reached the music department she found one of the few things she would bring back to the safe house. Bacon soup. She smiled and walked onward to the next room. What she found there shocked her. It was a child and a young one at that. They were unconscious lying on the floor near broken pieces of wood. Alice looked at them. She couldn't leave them here. If the searchers found them it would mean death, and if Sammy found them it would be worse. 

She had decided. This child was coming with her. She slipped her arms under their small thin body and lifted them up. Tom wouldn't like this. She would have to deal with him later for now she had to get home. Before some else found her

(Hey guys it me and Gwen we wanted to wish y'all a happy thanksgiving 

Gwen: and sorry for being gone 

Me and Gwen: bye bye)

I'm no angel Alice angel x child reader (batim)Where stories live. Discover now