34. Chapter

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The night was short and day arrives fast. After a delicious breakfast we decided to to go for a walk in Bergen's wonderful nature. Luckily, Alan's family didn't hear me and Alan last night. That would be just so awkward. And of course, Happy was with us.

I talked with Camilla a lot and I informed her about my new best friend Jackson and that he is in love with Au/Ra and that I try to couple them. Camilla finds this very sweet. And I also talked about Sienna and how she betrayed me. I found out that she already knows this because Alan asked her about help and so she knew the whole story. And she is so mad at Sienna and promised me, if she ever saw her, she would punch her in the face. I just laughed.

Alan and his brother Andreas just fooled around or talked about typical boy stuff. Alan's parents just enjoyed the nature at all. Happy, the hyperactive white floof he is, ran around, barked happy and also played with Andreas and Alan. Sometimes he came to me and Camilla and we both stroked his fur. It was a wonderful day and so it goes on and on. At the afternoon, my friends messaged me and said thankfully how much they love their presents. And I was so happy that they like my gifts.

Alan's family were here until new years eve. We bought fireworks and typical new years eve stuff. We also bought a lot of snacks and for dinner we made a large pizza. I made myself ready for the party, as well as the others. Alan's friends came too and together we had a big party. It was just wonderful and also funny. When it was time, we all went outside with a lot of firework. Andreas and the other boys prepared the firework and then we started to say the countdown until the new year, 2020. (Covid don't exist in this story btw)

"10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! Happy new year!" We shouted and at the same time, fireworks spread all over the dark night sky and painted in wonderful sparkling colors. Alan pulled me closer to him, his hands rested on my waist. We locked eye contact. "A happy new year, Viivi. I love you!" He whispered and he stroked my sides. I melted into his embrace and replied: "Happy new year, Alan. I love you too!" Then our lips touched and it turned into a wonderful, gently kiss. Alan played with my hair and put a strand of it behind my ear. We pulled away from each other and stared into others eyes. His light blue eyes glistened and our lips meet again.

We partied the whole night long until dawn. And we didn't go to sleep at all. Our breakfast was a mixture of yesterday's food and actual normal food for breakfast. Completely tired and also feeling lazy, we cleaned the house, or just the room's where it be needed. Alan's family and friends leave at the afternoon and we're both alone again. We made ourselves comfortable on the couch and watched some stuff on the TV. Every now and then we ate the last pieces of the food from yesterday. It was a really quiet and sleepy day and we cuddled most of the time.

The next days were more productive. Alan worked again on his new songs and was a lot in his studio or completely out of the house. I painted meanwhile or baked or cooked, living out my new hobby. And I also forced myself to training. It was my aim for this year to live healthier. I also tried different food combinations that I never liked but now they are tasted so good. And so the days passed by. The day after tomorrow I had to go back to Finland.
And I was a bit sad over this. But it has to be. It's just four months until I can fully move to Alan. I can do it.

I decided to go a bit shopping in Bergen. After that I walked back to home. But then I saw a girl that reminds me of someone. She is standing away from me, I only can see her hair. I thought hard who it could be and stared at the girl's back. Then the realization hit me. Hard. "Sienna?" I called with a asking voice at her and she turned around, surprised. But the surprising look quickly faded away when she saw me. And a mocking grin had spread across her face. And suddenly all the memories from that night in New York and the talk in my home and other memories came back. I was frozen. This meeting triggers more negative feelings than I would like."Viivi Niemi. I never thought that I will find you here." She said in a teasing voice and walked to me. She had her coffee in a hand, of course from Starbucks, and took a sip from it. I ignored her provocation and asked instead: "Why are you here? I never knew from you that you want to visit Bergen one day." I raised sceptical an eyebrow. She swung her hair back and gave me an arrogant look.

"I just wanted to visit it. What's the big deal?" She took a sip from her coffee. "What's the big deal? You know this is the hometown of my boyfriend! Why should I trust you?!" I stepped closer to her as I hissed the words. "Okay, I know that Alan lives here. But besides that I don't know where his house is, you don't need to worry." She shrugged her shoulders and looked at her phone. I gritted my teeth. An anger, not to be compared with words so strong is it, was formed in my stomach and I could just yell at her. "You bitch!" I growled. "What?" She looked up at her phone. Then she realized it. "Oh you mean yourself, right?"

I balled my hand into a fist and I digged my nails in the skin. "How do you dare! I mean YOU! You made my boyfriend drunk on purpose, for your only advantage and wanted to sleep with him and to be with him just for the fame and money!" I shouted at her. My voice became louder with almost every word. A few passers-by stopped and watched us or just looked conspicuously as they walked by.
But I didn't care. Sienna shrugged it off. "And? Should I be sorry now?" She laughed awfully. "You are so naive! You was friends with me and didn't realize I just took advantage of you. FOR YEARS!" She laughed again and looked at me in a disgusted way. "And now I should feel sorry and horrible? Because your little weak heart can't take the damage and the cruel reality? Just fuck off. It's your fault. You didn't had trust me in the first place." She said coldy to me.

I was out of words. How cruel and evil can someone be? So eaten up by hatred, conceited and arrogant like no one else and so heartless. Selfish. "I feel pity for your 'friends' and for the men you sleep with. And pitty for the thousands of broken hearts and humans that crossed your way. They don't deserve you. And you deserve no love. Then you are a heart breaker. You broke me heart too. But I have friends, family and a boyfriend out there. I can lean on someone's shoulder if I need to. You can not. You just can hate and intrigue. And that's why I feel pitty for you too. Just a little." I took a deep breath. It feels so good to let it all out.

"Do me a favour and never come near Alan's house. Or the police will come." I just sighed and then turned around to get away from her. I was just about to go home anyway. But unfortunately my way led to a street with traffic lights. So I got only a few meters away from Sienna. At that moment I cursed the traffic light and dearly wished it would turn green.

Suddenly I heard Sienna's voice in my ear that said,"Bitch!" Before I was suddenly pushed forward into the street. Right in front of a car.

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