7. Chapter

226 7 5

Timeskip; a few days later

Alan's POV

Today. Today is our first anniversary. The last days, where Viivi did what has done with Tatjana, I have planned neat and planned to make it so beautiful and romantic as possible. It is early morning and Viivi is still sleeping. I dressed quietly and drove to the flower shop, where I picked up my order. Roses, a lot of roses. In red of course. "You have big plans for today?" the seller asked me when I paid. "Yes! I hope it works too." I replied a little nervously. "Oh, I'm sure it will be fine. Good luck!" I thankfully took the wrapped roses and said goodbye. Before I went back home, I stopped at the bakery and bought rolls and crossaints. I just hope that Viivi isn't awake yet.

Fortunately, I found that she wasn't awake yet. There was still enough time to give her a nice morning. I put the roses in a vase and then I prepared a breakfast tray. I also added a rose. I went into the bedroom with the full tablet in both hands. I carefully placed the tablet on the side table and pushed the curtains aside. Sunlight was already flooding the room. I quietly went to Viivi to wake her up. I gave her a little kiss and whispered, "Wake up, Viivi." She moved slightly, but her eyes were still closed. I kissed her again. This time she stirred more and opened one eye. "Good morning darling!" I whispered to her. "Good morning," she replied, still a little sleepy but smiling. She sat up, stretched and yawned. I just sat there looking at her and wondering how someone could be so cute and beautiful. Her eyes fell on the tablet. "Mmh, probably a special breakfast today." she murmured. Then her face brightened. "Today is ..." "Yes, today is our anniversary." I finished the sentence for her. And with that, I pulled her into an embrace and kissed her. "Happy anniversary, Viivi!" I said. "Happy Anniversary too, Alan!" Vii replied happily.

We had a long breakfast and took our time. Nevertheless, I couldn't stop thinking about my future plans and that I was nervous inside, but didn't show anything from the outside. Viivi agreed to do the dishes, she could still get ready afterwards. Perfect for me, so I was able to implement the first part of my deed. I went to the bathroom and let the water in the bathtub. I lit many candles and put down a glass of red wine. I removed a few petals from the hidden roses and scattered them in the bathroom and placed a few on the edge of the bathtub. I waited in the bathroom until Viivi finally came, with her things in her arms. Her eyes widened at the sight of it. "I thought you might like it. Just relax and enjoy the bathroom." I explained to her. smiling. "Oh Alan, thanks!" said Vii and hugged me. "You are so sweet to me and you put so much thought and effort into it. And I have nothing! I don't deserve you!" Oh no, she means serious. "Hey Vii, that's not true at all. You can't even think of that. Even if you didn't have anything for me I wouldn't care. Since you're already a gift to me. A wonderful one. And we deserve each other. Please stop like this to think that's not good for you. I just want you to be fine. " I explained to her. Then I kissed her full of love and passionately.

Viivi's POV

I melted into the kiss and wrapped my arms around him. Whenever I'm sad or not feeling well enough, Alan comes and cheers me up, no matter how and I appreciate that about him. We ended the kiss due to lack of air, but we hugged for a few more moments. Then Alan broke away from me and went to the bathroom door. "Enjoy your bath sweetheart!" he said warmly to me and winked before leaving the bathroom and closing the door. I still stood there and smiled like an idiot, then finally undressed. I sighed as I climbed into the tub and I felt the warm water on my body. It's so good. I turned on soft music on my cell phone and enjoyed the bath. In between I drank some of the wine. If Alan isn't the caring, sweetest, and perfect boyfriend, I don't know. The candles only made it more perfect and romantic. I wouldn't mind if Alan would bathe with me now. Would also have something romantic and beautiful. But it's also nice alone. Slowly but surely the water became cold and I got out of the tub and dried myself. I brush my teeth, blow-dry my hair and get dressed. A little make-up at the end. There was a knock on the door. "Viivi, are you done?" Alan's voice came muffled through the door. "Yes!" I replied and opened the door. "Good." Alan said. He looked nervous and kicked from one foot to the other. "Alan, are you okay?" I asked worriedly. "Yes, yes, I'm fine! I...I just want to show you something!" "Okay, let's go. Can't wait to see it." I said joyfully. Alan held out his hand and I took it. He led me through the house, down the stairs into the living room. And what I got to look at made my eyes just bigger than before. The light was dimmed to red and there were rose petals everywhere. A path of rose petals led to one who would have thought rose petals huge heart. I was overwhelmed and could only let Alan lead me into this giant heart. Then he took both my hands. Only now did I notice that Alan was wearing a jacket. I excitedly waited to see what would happen next. "Viivi, you are the most wonderful, smartest, most caring and most beautiful woman in the world. Since you came into my life, I have been much happier and I fall a little more in love with you every day. I cannot express my love for you in words grasp." My heart was beating faster and tears were gathering in my eyes. Alan went on to say: "My love for you is growing day by day. And even if we have only been together for a year, we have known each other many years before. You make me the happiest man in the world, Viivi, and I want you to be the happiest woman of the world!"Alan dropped to his knees. I put my hand to my chest. No, it couldn't be. Now he really asks me if... Alan took a small box out of the inside pocket of his jacket. And opened it. A beautiful ring emerged with a small diamond in the middle. And then he said the words that every woman would like to hear: "Viivi Maria Niemi, do you want to be my wife!" There were tears in his eyes too. Now I really cried. "Yes!" I called under sobs. "Yes I do!" Alan's face brightened, he got up and I literally threw myself into his arms. This time I was the one who kissed him. I pulled him close to me. Alan also cried for joy. Only Alan came up with a proposal for our anniversary. We broke away from the kiss. Alan leaned his forehead against mine. He looked at me full of joy and love. "I potato you, Viivi!" "I potato you too, Alan!"

Yaaay the big secret is finally out! Alan and Viivi are going to get married (at least in this fan fiction, but can't wait for it to happen in real)! For months I had this idea in my head and I finally wanted to write this chapter. And of course I have to cry because it is so sweet too. Enjoy this beautiful chapter!!

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