17. Chapter

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Breathing hard and sweating, but also super happy, I finished the concert and went back to the backstage area. Viivi jumped up and hugged me and said proudly: "That was another great show, my dear!" "Thanks!" I said and returned the hug. "Yes, the show was really nice! Actually, I like rap more and not electronic music, but this was really good!" Sienna said to me too. I nodded to her.  It's a dubious compliment, but at least it is. I let myself fall on the couch, still pretty exhausted, and took the water bottle that was on the table and emptied it. We stayed a little longer and talked and then decided to return to the hotel. Sienna wanted to stay a little longer in town and go party. I didn't mind, I had to tell Viivi what happened this morning anyway. So we both let her go, but asked her not to be gone too long.  After she gave her consent, we both got into one of the taxis and drove to the hotel. And I got all the more excited. I really hope Viivi won't be too mad at me.

We were finally at the hotel and we went into our suite. First I changed my clothes and took a shower, I definitely didn't want to sleep so sweaty. And while I was showering, I was wondering how best to tell her.  When I got out of the bathroom and went into the bedroom, I saw Viivi sitting on the bed and watching TV. I sat down with her. I kneaded my hands and looked at the floor. Viivi of course noticed that something was wrong. She turned the television down and looked at me worried. "Okay, I can tell you're worried. All day you've been!" I looked incredulous. "Really?" She nodded. I actually thought I had hidden my feelings well. I took a deep breath. "Alan, whatever you have to say, just say it!" Viivi asked me. I looked her in the eyes. Those gorgeous hazel eyes. "Do you promise me that you won't be so mad?" I asked her. Viivi hesitated for a moment. "I think it depends. But yes, I promise!" she said then.

I took another deep breath. Then I started to say: "This morning when I was showering something very strange happened to me. I just got out of the shower when the door opened and your friend was standing in the door frame. And of course I was naked at that moment. She didn't look away. More like... looked  closely at me." I frowned when I thought about it. "And I completely forgot to reach for the towel. Sorry if that sounds wrong. At that moment I just...froze. And that went on until you asked Sienna if everything was okay. And you know the rest there. Then she went out of the bathroom again. I'm really sorry, Vii! It all happened so quickly and...oh, I don't know. I've just felt so unimaginably bad all day about it. And was even partially mad at Sienna." While I was talking, I looked at her and noticed the expressions on her face. First she was surprised, then I saw the sad glow in her eyes, how she swallowed and she now had a sad, almost incredulous, expression on her face.  And I felt so bad. Viivi said nothing. At first just looked at me. I held her gaze and let her read and see the truth in my eyes. How sorry I am too. She knew that I would never cheat on her and that this morning in the bathroom wasn't my fault either. At least not quite. And that it was an accident. I could see her trying to fight back the tears.

Then she said, "I...I'm not angry with you, Alan.  That moment came as a surprise to you, so your brain just stopped at the wrong time and you couldn't move. That is normal, other people have that too. It just happens. But please don't drag this burden around with you all day. If something happens like this again, tell me right away, okay? I don't particularly like it when someone is hiding something from me and you know that too!" She said the last sentence with a slight reproach in her voice. I just nodded again. Viivi took a shaky breath. I reached out my hand to grab hers. She allowed it. "Thank you for understanding that and not being mad at me." I thanked her. Viivi nodded. "I'm just mad at Sienna!" She continued. "She knew very well that you were in there, I guess. And if not, she shouldn't have stood there and looked, just closed the door again and said sorry! That's what upsets me about her. That she's always flirting! I will definitely talk to her about it."

Now a tear really flowed down her cheek. I wiped it away. Viivi is a very emotional person and takes almost everything to heart. Even if she has her feelings  hidden behind a mask of self-confidence, at some point it has to get out. Otherwise her feelings and emotions overwhelm her. I crawled closer to her and took her in my arms. "Everything will be fine!" I said gently to her. I put the blanket over  us and we snuggled up against each other. "Alan?" Vii asked me. "Yes?" She looked at me. "Just act differently next time and don't just stand around and look at her." I frowned. "Why  shouldn't I be allowed to look at her? "I asked but the next moment I regretted my question. Viivi sighed heavily." I just don't want you to look at her when she has her nightgown on! "she said louder now. Inwardly I winced.  Of course, I shouldn't look too closely. Sienna was wearing was intended more to seduce than to sleep. At some point I heard Vii's regularly and calmly breathing. She must have fallen asleep. And so I slowly got tired and my eyelids got heavier and heavier until I closed them completely at some point.

The next morning the three of us packed our bags and drove to the airport, where we flew to New York with my private jet. Viivi was in a good mood again today and told me that she would talk to Sienna in a quiet moment. Viivi acted strong and tough but I knew that it made her completely exhausted inside. But she hide it. And even though she pretended everything was fine, I could feel the tension between us.  What happened last night, this little conversation between us, kept her very busy.  And I didn't like that at all. 
I hope that can still be clarified.
Anyway, I had my show tonight and this time we didn't have much time to explore the city. 
But we still had fun and when I gave the concert in the evening, Viivi and Sienna were even this time right behind the stage and danced a little. And as the grand finale of the evening, all three of us decided to go to a club.  But if I had known where this evening would lead, I would not have agreed.

Sorry if this chapter is not that well written and that the next day is so rushed, I just wanted it finally done. And sorry for any misspelled words, if they were here🥴✌️

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