12. Chapter

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The next day I woke up early. I yawned and stretched, thinking of my really strange dream. Alan and I just got married but he was a vampire and...well...it definitely didn't end well. Damn! I shouldn't have watched twilight yesterday. Especially not the movie where they got married. But it doesn't matter. A dream is a dream. Not real.

I picked up my cell phone and saw that it was 7 a.m. I looked up Alan on whatsapp and wrote him a good morning. I saw that he was last online at 3 a.m. Gosh, does this man never sleep? I get really worried about Alan sometimes. I think he sleeps far too little in general, which is also related to his work, but if he doesn't go on tour he should at least go to bed earlier and then get a good night's sleep. And all the energy drinks to stay awake are not a good idea for the long term. It has been proven that too many energy drinks are harmful to the body. I just don't want this to happen to my Alan. The best thing to do is to talk to him about it when I have time.

I got up and got ready for the day. Sienna and I want to have breakfast in our regular café today. We always did that when I came back to Helsinki. It's practically like a ritual. I was putting on makeup when I got a message from Sienna.

Sienna: good morning sis✨
when do you come to the café?☕
I'm already on my way
me: gm
I only must do my makeup and then I'm ready to gooo
Sienna: nice. see ya💞
me: c u💖

I finished my makeup quickly, got dressed, picked up my bag and went out. The café was practically just around the corner, so it only took five minutes to get there.I walked into the café and noticed that Sienna wasn't there yet. I ordered a cappuccino for both of us. While I waited, I patted around on my cell phone until I heard a familiar voice.

"You're actually here sooner than me." I looked up and grinned at her. "Sienna!" I called, got up and hugged her. "Hi sis!" she said and gave me a kiss on the cheek. We sat down again. She noticed the cappuccino that was still steaming in front of her. "Oh thank you sweetie. You ordered one for me right away." she said thankfully. 
"Well, I know what you're into." I replied with a wink and Sienna laughed. The waitress came and we both ordered pancakes with maple syrup.

"Oh, you won't believe what happened to me in the club that night. You know that chick Natalie? Who went to school with us? She tackled a guy - MY guy. The guy I wanted to spend the night with. But she was able to get rid of him from me. And do you know how?! She said that I wear too much makeup and that I can't be trusted because it's a kind of catfishing! And this bitch herself has kilos of makeup on her face!" Sienna complained. I listened to her intently. Although I criticized their constant partying and their endless one night stands, I somehow liked these sometimes really weird stories. "No, she didn't do that!" I said in disbelief. Natalie had been with one of Sienna's rivals in high school. And it probably still is in nightlife. Natalie put everyone down and pissed off. Also me. She and her gang. They insulted me the worst, called me fat and ugly, and even almost beat me up. They made life really difficult for me in high school. It even got to the point that I was afraid of going to school and became depressed. Until Sienna helped me and I became friends with her and her friends. Of course it only fueled Natalie's hatred of me and Sienna, but Sienna defended me. Everyone said to me back then that I should just be careful with Sienna. That she also likes to manipulate and only take advantage of her friends. That was obviously not the case with me. Although she talked about herself and her life quite often and liked to be the center of attention, she is a good friend to me.

"Yes, she did! So I went home without a guy. And that messed me up all night. That beast! The next time I see her, I'll beat the shit out of her body!" My eyes widened. "Sienna!" I said reproachfully. So sometimes she could really exaggerate. I've always been against violence and have been more in favor of settling things peacefully. Well, not Sienna. "What is it? It is so!" she said a little more calmly. "No matter, change of the topic. Congratulations again on your engagement. I'm so happy for you!" I smiled. "And thank you again. I'm over the moon. It's like my life is complete now. Finally. All the years of suffering, in high school and beyond, are finally over." Sienna nodded.

"Yes, and I think it's great that Alan supported you and loves you the way you are. He's a really great guy, Viivi. Be glad you have him. Sometimes I'm really jealous of you."  said Sienna. However, she said the last sentence with a certain undertone that made me wonder.  My friend noticed this and asked "Are you okay? Did I say the wrong thing?" "Well, that you're jealous of me. Because of him or what I have."  I explained. But Sienna just waved it off. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make it competitive. And besides, it's normal to be a little jealous of others." she said. I raised an eyebrow. I looked at her skeptically. "Most of the time, only people are envious who are dissatisfied with themselves and their way of life. And why should you be jealous of me? You have a great life too ... in your own way." Now it was Sienna's turn to look skeptical. And also a little incredulous. "Yes that's right, I am happy with my life, but what I lack is money." I looked at her confused. "But you have money. You go to work." Well, she works at starbucks, but that's not bad either. Sienna still didn't seem convinced. "Yes, but I don't earn that much either. You, on the other hand, have a rich boyfriend whom you will also marry. Do you actually realize that you are financially secure? Your boyfriend is also famous and so are you. Especially since Alan is real hot. Sometimes I really wish I was you for a day!" 
I blinked. I didn't expect something like that now. I always thought Sienna was completely happy with her life. But that's not what worried me so much. She thinks my boyfriend is hot.  Sure that's true but with her it sounded like she would like to marry him. I managed to answer. "Well, first of all, I'm not with him because he has money and he is famous, but because I love him.The way he is. Just because he's just Alan. On stage and in the spotlight, he's Alan Walker. The legendary DJ. But when he goes off the stage and takes off the mask then he's just Alan. And that's what I like about him. That he's also humble and not a career monster. And of course Alan is hot, but with you it's more like that sounded as if you'd rather be me. And as if you were interested in Alan too. And I don't want you to be teasing my boyfriend in any way." I said seriously. Sienna's eyes widened and she said quickly, "No Vii, no. I don't want to take your boyfriend off the ground. It's true that I would love to be you but I would never do that. I promise." I believed her. "Well, that's very important to me. After all, I have to be able to trust my friends." I said. Sienna just nodded.

Then we ate up and then went to the city for a stroll. In between I got a message from Alan, where he also wished me a good morning. At 11 a.m. In the evening we said goodbye to each other, everyone went home. Although the day was beautiful, there was such tension in the air. Between us two. And I've been thinking about Sienna's words all day and what she thinks of Alan. Or rather about his fortune.  He's rich, no question about it, but money doesn't define a relationship. I would marry him if he were just a simple man. Which he actually is. With a lot of talent and love for music. I told Tatjana about it and she said that I should be careful. Not that Sienna is really into Alan and tries to take him away from me. I think that's impossible. But somehow that thought didn't let me go. Oh nonsense! I just get a little paranoid, that's all. And should Sienna really try to get at Alan, he'll turn her down ... right? Yes I'm sure.

Then it occurs to me that Alan and I haven't told the Walkers that we're officially engaged.  I wrote to Alan and asked him if we should tell them now. He agreed and together we post a photo of the two of us, what we did on the day of our engagement, wrote underneath that we would get married soon and posted it. I think I wrote a little more than Alan. I'm just so emotional and first have to write half a love letter, but I like to do that too. I'm a little nervous about how the Walkers will react. Alan sure as well. The Walkers are his fans and he loves them very much. We both know that a few Walkers will not find this great, especially the female fans, but it is also important to us that everyone knows about it. And besides, it's always so sweet and nice to see the positive reactions and comments from the walkers.  That makes not only me happy but also Alan. I put my cell phone down and fell asleep quickly.

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