Chapter One: Dark Times

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I finally quit my job at the bar and began actually doing something with my life. I got a job at Wayne Technologies as the lead engineer in Biotechnology. I work directly under Mr. Wayne, himself. He requested it personally...never knew why. I sat in my office with my feet on my desk. I was currently staring out the window fidgeting with the green ring on my finger. I hadn't used the ring since Superman died. I felt so guilty that I didn't help him when I knew I could have. I went some while without wearing the ring but found myself wanting it back on my finger. I let out a sigh before placing the tip of my pen to my lips when there was a knock at the door. I looked over to see Bruce Wayne. Mt eyes went taking my feet off the desk and sitting up. "Bru--I mean, Mr. Wayne! I thought you were on a business trip in Iceland?" I asked. "Just came back." He answered taking a seat across from me. "Did it go well?" I asked. "Let's just say it was a bit intense." He said. "You? Intense? Not possible." I countered with a smirk. "How can I help you, Mr. Wayne?" I asked him with a sigh. "Please, call me Bruce. And I really didn't have a reason. Just wanted to see how my favorite employee is doing." He stated. "I do believe that's called favoritism, Bruce." I pointed out. "Is it?" He asked before getting up to leave the office. "Have a good rest of your day, Ms. Parker." He said before leaving. "Tell Alfred I said "Hi"." I called out. "I will." He answered before I looked back out the window.


"Something woke the box my people guard." I told Bruce after explaining the war with Darkseid. "It called out to the dark one of Darkseid's conquerors. The enemy is here." I stated. "If he's here, where is he?" Bruce asked. "He'll be searching for the other two boxes. Hiding until he has all three. Until he's ready." I explained. "Then we have to be ready. You, me, the others." Bruce voiced. "They said the Age of Heroes would never come again." I stated. "Oh, it will. It has to." He answered. "The others. Where are they?" I asked.

I sat next to Bruce in his base in front of computer monitors. "This was taken in the deepest trench on Earth. He must be an Atlantean. A water-breather." I told Bruce watching the video of a bearded man with a trident exit an underwater cave towards the camera. "He was breathing air when I talked to him." Bruce pointed out. "Mixed-blood, then. He said he'll fight with us?" I voiced. "More or less." Bruce answered. "More more or more less?" I asked looking at him. "Probably more less." He stated. "He said no?" I questioned. "He said no." Bruce sounded. I let out a sigh. "Atlanteans can be tricky. My people went to war with them once. I'm not sure we can trust him." I said leaning back in the chair. "Diana, if we're gonna do this you're gonna need to be open to more things that we didn't..." Bruce started before I reached for the computer mouse at the same time he did. Our hands touched. "I'm sorry. That's okay." I apologized. "My fault. Don't worry about it. Happens." Bruce stammered. "So..." I started changing the profile. "This is the third person." He said before clearing his throat. "Disappears for 1/30 of a second here. One frame of video, see?" Bruce explained. "Barry Allen. Central City. Go to him. I'll work on number four. Organic and biomechatronic body parts. He's a cyborg." I explained.

"And what of number five?" Bruce asked changing to the last profile to a video showing a blurry figure glowing bright green hovering in the sky. They're face pixelated until Bruce enhanced the video and cleaned it up. It was a woman with short brown hair wearing a green and black suit that outlined every single millimeter of her beautiful body. She wore a green eye mask on her face to hide her identity. My heart skipped a few beats at the sight of her. "A guardian of the stars." I whispered. "Her name is Calliana Parker. This video was taken from that night in Metropolis. She works for me." Bruce explained. "Did you know she was a Lantern when you hired her?" I asked taking in every detail of her. Even with the mask on, I can tell she was watching on in horror. "Not immediately. I knew something was strange about the green ring that she never takes off." Bruce answered. "She wields one of the most powerful weapons in the universe." I pointed out. "If that's the case....why didn't she help?" He asked. "Maybe she wanted to or else she wouldn't have shown up." I stated. "You think?" He questioned. "What I that she's scared. She doesn't seem to not know the full extent of her abilities." I explained. "Why did you hire her?" I asked him. "She's got a Master's in Biotechnology. So..." He answered. "She might know how to handle the boxes." I finished. "I'll go see Calliana." I added standing up. "You sure?" Bruce asked. "I'll be fine." I said before leaving.

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