Chapter Two: The Warrior

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I stood in my kitchen in a short black tank-top and yoga pants when there was a pounding at my door. "Bitch! Where's your rent?!" A man shouted. "Shit." I whispered going to the door. "I don't have all the money for you, Harry." I told him. "You said that last week. Where's my money?" He growled. "I don't have it." I answered. "Don't lie to me." He snarled. He towered over me and weighed a lot more due to the muscle mass he had. "I'm telling you the truth, Harry." I sighed. "You know what I do to pretty women like you that don't pay on time, don't you?" He asked flicking out a knife pointing at me. "Harry. Don't." I said taking a step back trying to close the door. He stopped me and pushed it open before walking in and slamming the door shut behind him and locking it. I backed away from the giant man. "I'll make you a deal. Either I kick you out onto the streets now and ruin your credit or you can make it up to me." Harry voiced. I shook my head. "Please don't." I begged. "Should have thought of that sooner." He stated pushing me into the wall. He pinned me there before beginning to unbuckle his pants. I shook my head before slamming my knee in between his legs. He keeled over before I ran to my bedroom and slammed the door shut locking it. "Now you're really gonna for that, you slut!" He spat kicking the door open and grabbing my wrist throwing me onto the bed. He climbed atop of me pinning my arms to the mattress with one giant hand before running his other up my shirt revealing my breaststroke underneath. "Stop it! Get off!" I shouted as he squeezed my left breast. His hand went down to my pants before beginning to pull them off with my underwear. "NO! GET OFF! GET OFF OF ME!" I screamed. I looked up at my ring on my finger before widening my eyes. I gasped before I felt Harry's finger brush over me. I tried closing my legs but he kept them open with his own before he revealed his dick. I let out a scream. "STOP! GET. OFF! GET OFF!" I shouted when the massive weight was yanked off me. I opened my eyes to see Harry was thrown off me and to find a woman standing between me and Harry.

"She said, "GET OFF."" The woman said. I sat up before the woman caught Harry's giant fist. "Never lay a hand on a woman. Especially me." She said before kicking him in the chest. The man went flying out of the apartment. The woman looked back at me before walking to the side of the bed. "Are you alright?" She asked me. "Not Thank you." I said as she went through my closet and handed me a fresh pair of clothes. "This is why I hate men." I spat taking the clothes from the beautiful woman. "Who are you?" I asked. "My name is Diana Prince. I'm here because my friend and I need your help." She explained. "My help?" I asked. "I know who you are, Calliana." She voiced. "How do you know my name?" I asked her. "My friend...Bruce Wayne, your boss." She stated. "Why...would Bruce need my help?" I inquired changing out of my clothes and throwing the others into the trash. "Because you are a guardian of the stars, Calliana. You are a Green Lantern." She pointed out. I froze before turning around to face her. "Who the hell are you?" I asked. "Trust me, Calliana. Also, that ring on your finger makes it obvious." She said pointing at my hand. I looked down at the ring before back at the woman. "What did you say your name was?" I asked squinting my eyes. "Diana Prince. But I also go by Wonder Woman." She answered. My eyes went wide. "Wonder...Woman?" I whispered. Diana chuckled at my reaction, smiling. "No wonder you're so beautiful." I said before stopping myself. My face blushing a very bright shade of red. "I-I'm sorry." I breathed. "It's okay." She said with a smile. "So why do you need my help? I'm not a superhero like you." I told her. "Because a war is coming and we need all the help we can get." Diana explained. I let out a sigh rubbing my face with my hand. I looked at Diana before nodding my head. "Okay. I'll help." I told her before we left the apartment. I saw Harry unconscious against the wall. I looked over at Diana. "You did that?" I asked. "Yes." She answered. "Hot." I stated with a smirk walking away.

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