Always remember that you shouldn't have to act a certain way in front of your so-called friends. You see, friends are people who will push you to be yourself, your true self. Friends are people who will be proud of you for anything you do. Friends are people who will always be there. They are the people who will and always will be there through thick and thin. They are the people who should be kept. Yea I know your afraid of losing them no matter how many times they tell you they won't leave you... I know how you feel, but a lot of people leave sometimes. And life's short you have to make it count. Yea I know a lot of people don't stop being best friends till they're elderly, but not everyone has that luck. Do yourself a favor and make as many memories with that person before they are gone. Because we are limited to things in this world. But one thing that doesn't have a limit is your mind. your mind is limitless, and you need to always remember that you are forever going to be worth more than you could believe. And no matter what happens between you and that person, always be proud of yourself for being able to step out of your comfort zone, or maybe even facing your fears. Or whatever it is that you and that person did to make you become a better person, always be proud of yourself for that. No matter if you still have that person or not, at the end of the day that person saved you. They saved you. And you might not have known that, but that person does. I know they do.  And as time goes by always remember what you did with that person. It's alright to have a few tears, you miss it, and I know it. But, just know the memories are what's important. And the memories with that person are always going to be what will always be what's important. 

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