If you think you are a waste of life, read this. 


Life is just something that consists of constant struggles, but life is also there to provide certain answers to solve those struggles. the problems life throw at you are just to try and stop you from becoming the person you've always wanted to be. But you aren't a waste of life. Life is just trying to throw these constant struggles at you to see what you can handle. And if you can handle this, then you can handle anything. And you just have to be proud of yourself for everything you do. Once life realizes that you can get through this, then you will be able to do anything. Just don't stop fighting. Don't give up, and don't let anything tell you who you can be. It's an easy battle, I promise. Everything will in fact be okay. And you'll finally be at peace. I promise, all of your worries, problems, and troubles, will all be gone. You got to understand that you aren't perfect, and that's okay. You will make mistakes, you will learn from them. 

one of my favorite quotes that help me the most is "To work on yourself is the best thing you can do. Accept that you are not perfect, but you are enough. And then start working on everything that destroys you. Your insecurities, your ego, your dark thoughts. You will see, in the end, you're going to make peace with yourself. And that's the greatest thing in the world."  that quote helps me so much because yea I have insecurities, dark thoughts, and etc. But knowing that if I continue going in life then I'll make peace with myself, keeps me motivated. Which it should too. You need to know that you should be able to accept yourself for who you want to be. And you need to know that you are enough. And that you are amazing and wonderful. And that I'm extremely proud of you, for everything you've been able to accomplish.

 Love, I hope you are doing okay, and if you ever need someone dm on here or on my Twitter(@ Colbs_Golbach_x) you can vent to me if you would like. And yea you can just dm me if you need a friend, or if you are just upset. I'll always be here for you. Take little steps, everything will be okay, I promise. I'll be right here if you need me. Stay strong love, I'm proud of you.

And always remember, to be yourself. I know the world is scary, but you don't have to worry about the world. It's just you and me. You and me forever and always. 

Also I hope you've done something for yourself. If you have what was it? And if you haven't, I want you to stop for a second and be proud of yourself. Be proud of yourself for the littlest things, you got this, okay? I love you.

 Also, you look very nice today, I'm proud of you. I love you.

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