Chapter 4

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The next day Toland woke to the sun shining directly into his window. He winced, but silently thanked his parents for allowing him to sleep in. The night had been long and arduous, but they had finished everything eventually.

He flopped out of his bed and dragged on his clothes before heading down the creaky wooden stairs to the kitchen.

"Morning," Toland's mother said cheerfully, looking up from whatever she was baking.

"Morning Mum."

Hearing the voices, Rin stuck his head through the door.

"Toland, have something to eat quickly, Ir Shan has called a village meeting."

Toland nodded and picked up some pieces of bread and spread some fruit preserve over them.

As he ate, Fel wandered through, carrying the sword and shield they had made last night, wrapped up in thick sackcloth and put them by the door.

"You okay, kid?" Fel asked.

Toland nodded.

Fel turned back to the sword and pulled it from the cloth, holding up to the light from the window. The line where the two types of metal met was drawn into a wavy pattern, and with the sparkling light falling on it, it looked like morning sunlight on the ocean. As he turned it over in his hands, the chaotic, swirling engravings caught the light and shimmered in turn.

"It's so beautiful, I almost don't want to see it go..." Fel mused.

"Then don't," Toland replied between mouthfuls, "Take it for yourself and you can go out there and fight off the direwolf."

Fel scoffed, "I am quite content with sitting in the forge, thank you very much. Let's leave the heroics for other folk."

As Toland finished his food, Rin walked back in.

"Ready?" he said, "Come on then, let's get going. Put the sword back, Fel. You can have one like that when you get your own house. If you would get on with finding a wife, of course."

Fel rolled his eyes and put the sword back in its cloth then handed both sword and shield to his father.

Toland licked his fingers and got up.

"Honey! Are you ready?" Rin shouted up the stairs.

"Yes! Just a second!" she shouted back.

A few minutes later Toland's mother walked down the stairs in a fine coat and adorned with several bits of jewelry.

"Is that really necessary dear," Rin remarked, "The meeting will only last a few minutes."

She pouted, "Reila will be there in all her finery, I will not be outdone by that witch."

Rin sighed but knew better than to make any further remark.

Town meetings were held in the tavern, nominally because it was the closest communal building to the centre of the village, but mostly because Duglan Ir Shan usually found them quite boring and enjoyed having drink close at hand.

Today the tavern was packed full, with everyone in the village in attendance, gossiping loudly and a small group of people gathered around Ir Shan, demanding to know what this was all about.

Just behind him was his wife Reila and his son Fergun.

Rin led them through the crowd until they could hear the conversation Ir Shan was having, but before Rin could push his way in, Reila was upon him.

"My, Rin Ir, how lovely that you are here, we haven't talked in ages. And Ophelia, you are looking well. I see Fel and Toland are growing up fast, especially little Toland here..."

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