Chapter 29

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The wolves charged, unearthly and silent, their red eyes fixed on Katrina.

Twisting the spear in her hands, she shot into motion, blurring into a whirlwind of shining fury. She leapt at the first wolf, jumping up to look it in the eyes before thrusting out with her spear. It jerked its head away just in time and the spear lodged in its shoulder, the silver head biting into it and drawing out a startled yelp.

She landed and rolled under it, the momentum ripping the spear out again. Righting herself, she dashed into the side of the next one, driving the spear upwards through its ribs, searching out its heart.

The beast gave a mournful yelp and flopped to the floor, dead.

She tried to jump over it and continue onto the next wolf but the rest had turned on her, one charging into he back and biting down towards her neck. She managed to get an arm up, but the jagged teeth bit into her and when it tried to rip her arm off it threw her across and away, tumbling through the air and coming to rest in a bleeding, battered heap.

Another wolf charged in to finish her off, but she rolled away from it, gathering her spear up and taking a few steps back within the wall.

The people had already gone from the area, at least she had done enough to let them get away.

The wolves rushed her again, more coordinated this time, rushing in with slashes or bites and then retreating before she could get in a return swing or stab. Slowly she found herself being backed into the village, into the confines of the streets and at risk of running into a house and losing her ability to escape.

A wolf came from the side and slashed her leg with a claw. She grimaced in pain and dropped to a knee. Another seized the opportunity and leapt in to bite at her throat but she shoved the spear in between them, the wood snapping in its jaws and spraying both of them. Twisting the head of the spear downwards like a dagger, she stabbed into the wolf's face, drawing a line of blood and sending it skittering away.

She cursed, holding the tip of the broken spear in one hand, and her injured leg in the other. She let herself sit backwards, her legs out in front of her and was relieved to feel the hard stone of the well behind her.

She growled at the circling wolves, unable to move, holding the spearpoint out in front of her, jabbing at the air threateningly to ward them off.

The lead wolf edged closer to her, still wary of her silver, until it was almost withing striking range. It growled and leapt at her. She braced for the impact, wincing at its terrible maw.

A bolt of lightning shot from behind her, striking the wolf in the head and it dropped dead at feet.

She turned painfully to see Toland, disintegrating piece of wood in hand, facing down the wolves alone.

"No..." she breathed, her breathing ragged, the sound not making it to Toland.

One of the wolves shot towards him, snarling in rage, but he was ready, and a wall of earth came up between them, the wolf smashing into it and recoiling in pain.

Toland stepped out again and fired another bolt of lightning, but this one was not so easily aimed and only took a wolf on the flank, scorching it but doing no material damage.

The wolves closed in around him, Kat forgotten.

"No..." she said again, "Why did you come back so soon? Why?"

She turned and placed her mangled arm on the well, pushing herself up, leaving bloody handprints on its black surface.

"Toland... Run... Please..."

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