Chapter 12

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On the third day after the battle with the direwolf, Jaran awoke, groggy and disorientated but Katrina reassured them that his mind was in the same condition it was before the incident. They eventually explained that they were a travelling hedge wizard and his apprentice from the south. They had fallen on hard times there so were journeying north to Garash in order to seek out new opportunities when they were attacked by marauders as they travelled through a pass in the Aravengali mountains. Robbed of their clothing, supplies and wares they desperately made their way out of the mountains to the village. It was only thanks to Jaran's magic and the keen eye of Toland that they managed to survive.

The idea of marauders in the mountains set a few people on edge but were swiftly put aside when the snows came.

The snows at the start of winter hit the area in a three-day storm, covering the ground in at least two feet. The mountains themselves had it even worse, the passes filled up almost completely, blocking any form of travel through them.

On the fifth day, Herdru stepped outside of Kinic's house, much to the delight of everyone he met. His legs were still in the splints, and he walked around with two crutches under his arms, but he hopped around like a newborn lamb, grinning from ear to ear. Kinic was never too far behind him, worriedly watching him, ever ready to catch him should he look over.

That night, Duglan announced that they should celebrate, and everyone in the village descended on the tavern.

Upon hearing the news, Toland climbed up to the attic trapdoor and knocked a few times.

Katrina opened it a few seconds later, looking at him with confusion.

"Hey, Kat, Ir Shan is holding a celebration tonight, for everyone surviving the direwolf attack. would you like to come?"

She frowned at him, "I wouldn't want to intrude on your celebrations. Would it not be best for us to stay here. Also I do not think it best for Jaran to leave the bed, moving around tires him so much."

"Well... I supposed," Toland replied disappointedly and dropped down a few steps on the ladder

"You should go, Katrina," Jaran said from the attic, "I know that I can't but that shouldn't stop you."

"But no one will be about, what if something happens, what if you need something?" she replied.

"Katrina, I am still a grown man here, I can be left alone for a few hours. I have a few of the wooden planks left that do not have spells written on them, if needs be I can use magic."

There was a moment of silence.

"Go Katriana," Jaran said again.

"Fine," she eventually replied and pulled open the trap door and dropped through it.

Toland flinched backwards as the girl dropped the eight feet from trap door to floor and braced himself for the sickening crunch of the impact.

However, she barely made a sound. The floorboards hardly let out a creek. Toland wondered if he could have walked over her landing site making less sound.

She performed a formal curtsy with a sweeping of her arm and then held out her hand.

Toland, having no idea what she was doing took a small step backwards.

Katrina quickly straightened up, withdrawing her hand, realizing what she was doing.

"Yes, well, shall we go then?" she said and began heading downstairs.

Toland shook his head and followed her.

With Rin, Fel and Ophelia, the five of them headed out towards the tavern.

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