Chapter 30

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Toland watched as a man wearing the most resplendent blue outfit rode into the village. If his clothes didn't give him away as someone from the south of the kingdom, the fact that he rode a horse, instead of a volshbear, did.

Others noticed him too and turned to regard him with a mix of curiosity and suspicion.

He turned to where Kat had just been standing a second ago, but she had completely vanished. Her leg had healed miraculously quickly, even taking into consideration everything Toland knew about her.

"Hear me! Hear me!" the man said as he reached the centre of the village, "I bring news from your king! Hear me!"

The man then opened up a scroll and began to read.

"The King, Attikus Kalashunilir Ester, fifth of his name, is dead! Murdered by his own kin! Katrina Kalashunilir Ester, third of her name, assassinated him. We give our thanks to God that Destrian Kalashunilir Ester, second of his name, was at the palace during the night in question and lead his forces in a desperate bid to save the King and the Kingdom. Although he could not save the King from Katrina's forces, he saved the Kingdom from being thrown into chaos at the hands of this would-be tyrant. Having failed to secure the throne, Katrina fled the capital with the aid of the treacherous Archmage Jaran Alashunilir Shedan. As such, I am here to warn you, the good loyal people of the Kingdom, that they may be passing through these lands in an effort to escape Esteria. If you have any information concerning the whereabouts of these two nefarious and dangerous fugitives your new king, Destrian Kalashunilir Ester, entreats your aid. I shall post pictures of the two in question on your tavern here. 50 gold pieces shall be given to any who can provide information that leads to their capture."

After finishing his speech, he dismounted and took a hammer out of his saddlebag along with two nails and two pictures that, although not perfect, were strikingly accurate.

"Does anyone have any information they would like to declare?" he asked the crowd.

No one spoke.

With that over, the man went in search of the inn.

Once he was out of sight of the man, Toland broke into a run, heading home.

"Dad!" Toland shouted, before he noticed Kat coming down the stairs with a bag over her shoulder.

"Kat?" Toland asked.

Rin came into the room from the forge, frowning.

"What's the matter Toland?" he asked.

"A man came from the capital," Toland said, "He said Kat killed the King, and that they were hunting her."

Rin scowled.

"Ir Kenkarten," Katrina said, "I would reassure you that I will allow no danger to come to you, your family or your village on my account. I will leave your village quickly, but, I cannot move Jaran in his condition, although it greatly pains me to ask this of you, I would ask you to shelter him still. He can still create some simple spells that I am sure will more than pay for his keep, and I will reveal my presence in several locations away from here so that any pursuers are directed far from here..."

Rin held up his hand, "That's enough of that, you don't worry your head with nothing about that. After what you two have done for our village, I can't imagine a single soul here would even think of casting you out."

Katrina shook her head, "I will not, I can not allow you to come to harm. You do not understand the lengths my uncle is willing to go to. He will level this place to the ground if he so much as hears its name in the same sentence as mine. I must leave, I am sorry."

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